DON'T CHOOSE DOOR #1: A Biblical Life Goal To Pursue: Part 1


When I was a child growing up one of our families favorite T.V. programs was the game show, LET’S MAKE A DEAL. I always enjoyed watching it because of the thrill of watch people possibly winning something really amazing. You know what I mean. Right? The thrill of the win or the agony of the loss. I would always imagine myself as the big winner.

But wouldn’t it have been nice if you had some special knowledge in advance of what was behind Door #1, or Door #2 or even Door #3? If you did have that knowledge do you think it would have influenced what choice you would have made?

Of course it would!

In this post we are starting a series that deals with options, consequences and admonitions about the kind of life goal you should establish that will guide your pursuit in life. Whether we know it or not we all have goals that guide how we live life and the kind of choices we make as we go through life. Our expectations is that these goals will help bring joy, fulfillment, excitement and happiness during our travels here in this world.

However, establishing bad goals can hinder the experience of that joy, excitement, fulfillment and happiness that we so desperately want in our lives. Making wise choices about our goal is going to be absolutely essential.

However, gratefully God, in the Bible, has told us what our options are when it comes to establishing a goal for life and even better news is that there aren’t 10 to 15 different choices! In actuality there are only 2 choices. One choice is good and the other choice is not good at all. So, in reality for those of us who are fully devoted followers of Christ there is only one life goal that is to be our choice.

Our series of posts will be taken from 1 Timothy 6:3-10 and today’s post is entitled:


Remember there are only two choices but this first choice is not the right choice. This first choice is the choice to avoid at all cost. It is the choice that will rob you instead of give you. It’s the one that will harm you instead of benefitting you. So, what’s that option? It’s the option that this world offers to you.

So, what exactly is in door #1? What is it that we should not make our life’s goal? To help us find out let us take a look at 1 Timothy 3: 3-5 and most specifically verse 5. It says:

“If anyone teaches false doctrine and does not agree with the sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and with with the teaching that promotes godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slander, evil suspicions, and constant disagreement among people whose minds are depraved and deprived of the truth., who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain.” (CSB)

What is the life goal to avoid?

The Pursuit Of Material Gain!

The pursuit of material gain as a life’s goal is one of the false teachings that was and still is part of the church and especially trying to use godly living as a means to getting rich. In verse 10 the Apostle Paul refers to people who make the amassing of material wealth their life goal as people who “Love Money”. Take a look at what it says,

“For the love of money is a root to all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10 (CSB)

The reason why the pursuit of worldly riches or the love of money is a life goal to avoid is simply because it’s a heart issue. It’s a matter of what you “LOVE” the most.

In Luke 16:13-15 Jesus is teaching the people that it is impossible to serve two masters. You will either love the one and hate the other or visa versa. And then Jesus coined a quote that we still use today. It is:

“You cannot serve both God and money” Jesus Christ

Jesus said you cannot serve both God and money! He didn’t say:

  • “You can’t serve fully both God and money.”

  • or “It’s hard to serve both God and money”.

  • No! Jesus flat out stated emphatically stated that it is:


Why? Because the issue at play is all about the heart or it is all about what you love. God refuses to compete or share with anyone or anything concerning the love that is due Him as God Almighty.

Let me hammer the point in by asking you a question: What is the greatest commandment? That was a question Jesus asked some of the religious leaders of his day. It’s a good question that we should ask ourselves from time to time and the answer is something we should remind ourselves daily. What is it? According to the Bible it is:

“To Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart, Mind, Soul And Strength”

The truth of the matter is that God wants our full and complete love! And God is unwilling to share it with anyone or anything. And one of the biggest competitors to robbing God of the love that is due Him is the love for money. Money is enticing and money is deceiving, People try to justify their love for money to make it sound acceptable or at least understandable.

But according to the Bible the love of money or the amassing of material gain is absolutely not the life goal for anyone who calls themselves a Follower of Christ.

Door #1 Is Not The Door To Choose!

SUITING UP FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE Part 3: The Necessity For Spiritual Armor


“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)

THE ADMONITION: Make Sure You’re Fully Suited Up For Spiritual Battle:

The Apostle Paul starts off in verse 11 with the admonition for us to ensure that we have been full suited up with our spiritual Armor. He’s not suggesting that we put on some of the armor or even most of the armor. No, the Apostle Paul is very clear. We are to make sure we are to put on every piece of our spiritual armor because without all of the pieces we leave ourselves vulnerable to the attacks of the demonic forces that we fight against.

To leave off even one piece of the armor is to create a chink in the armor thus exposing a vital area of our spiritual life to the devil and his attacks. Each piece of the armor is intended to protect a specific essential area of our spiritual life that is vital to our spiritual growth and vitality.

Next, I want you to take notice who’s armor we are to put on! We are not told to put on our own armor! In this verse the spiritual armor that we are to wear is identified as belonging to God. It is God’s armor we are to wear when entering into spiritual battle.

Why is this so important? Because, any king who is leading his soldier into battle will not only be fully suited up with his armor but will be fully suited up with the very best of armor! The materials used and the craftsmanship in making the armor will be the very best. Inferior materials and inferior craftsmanship will not be tolerated when it comes to the king. Why? Because, protecting the king and ensuring his safety is of the utmost importance.

In times past, there were situations, where two opposing kings each would select a champion to go fight each other. Just man against man. This soldier against soldier battle was done instead of the two armies battling it out. It was done in order to spare the loss of lots and lots of lives. The king of the champion that lost would then surrender to the king who’s champion won and he and the his subjects would become servants to the king of the champion.

There were times after a champion was selected that his king would then offer for him his armor to wear into the battle. Why the offer? Again, it was because the armor of the king is always the best armor made and offered the best protection the enemy. The kings offer to wear his armor was to give his champion the best possibility for victory.

That’s exactly what happened when David went out to fight Goliath. Take a look at 1 Samuel 17:37-39 says,

“… Saul said to David, ‘Go, and the Lord be with you.' ‘Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.” (NIV)

Out of all the soldiers in Israel not one of them was willing to go fight Goliath as Israel’s champion. They all were to afraid. But because of David strong faith in God, even though he was just shepherd boy, he was willing to make his stand against the giant. Even though he had no armor of his own, he was wiling to go. King Saul seeing both the courage and faith of this young man was then wiling to offer his very own armor for David to wear into battle. He wanted to give David the best fight chance possible to win. As it turned out David didn’t wear the armor because it was to big and he had not trained fighting with the armor. David knew he had a far better chance for victory if he used that which he knew best and not using something so unfamiliar.

Now here’s the point I am trying to make with all of this information.

Our Spiritual Armor Is God’s Armor

God is clothing us with the VERY BEST of Spiritual Armor, His armor, so that we are very well protected from the enemy. If this is God’s armor that He would wear into battle don’t you think it is made of the very best of material and the very best of skill crafted it?

THIS IS SO AMAZING! God isn’t sending us out to fight the enemy with whatever protection we can find! God has provided us the very best of protection. HIS ARMOR!

THE RATIONALE: So We Can Stand Against The Enemy:

Would I be to bold to say that the armor of God is even impregnable. I LOVE THAT WORD! This word “impregnable” is a powerful word and shouldn’t be used lightly.

Here’s what it means:

“unable to be defeated or destroyed”

When I say that wearing the Armor of God makes us impregnable I am saying that we cannot be defeated or destroyed during spiritual warfare and I believe that is exactly why the Apostle Paul told us to make sure that every piece of God’s Armor is put on! It is to ensure that we come out the victors in each and every spiritual warfare encounter.


Notice what Paul says immediately after his strong admonition to put on the full armor of God. He says,

“…so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Wearing the Armor of God allows us to stand against our enemy - not fall on our knees before our enemy. It gives us the ability to withstand the onslaught of Satan’s attack and be the one left standing when the attack is over.

Wearing the full of Armor of God doesn’t mean the battle is going to be easy or painless, it just means, when it’s all over and done, you’re left standing the victor. You might be beaten and battle worn but you will be the one left standing.

So, now can you see why it is a necessity and not just a suggestion when it comes to wearing the full Armor of God?

It’s The Difference Between Victory & Defeat

When Life Throws You A Curveball


Today, as we look at joining Christ on His mission we are going to look at the idea of being thrown curveballs and how to handle them. But what exactly is a curveball?


A curveball is a breaking pitch that has more movement than just about any other pitch. It is thrown slower than a fastball and curves downward before reaching home plate. It is used to keep hitters off-balance. When executed correctly by a pitcher, a batter expecting a fastball will swing too early and over the top of the curveball.

 The curveball pitch is so well known in American culture that the phrase "throw a curveball" has emerged as a common expression. Like the goal of pitchers when throwing the pitch, the expression "to throw a curve" means to trick someone with something unexpected.

 Again, the goal is to keep a person off balance with the hope of them making a mistake.  Satan loves to use life experiences as curveballs with the intent to keep God’s people off balance and to slow them down in joining Christ on His mission.  But we need to remember that while these curveballs are unexpected to us they are not unexpected to God.  Not only are they not unexpected to God, they are planned and used by God for His purposes. 

When it comes to living a life that is pleasing, honoring to God and on mission with Christ, life has a funny way of throwing us some crazy curveballs. The adventure of following Christ wherever he leads is filled with lots and lots of unexpected turns that the need to be prepared is for them is evident.

 Biblical Examples Of Unexpected Curveballs Thrown At God’s People


·      Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego certainly didn’t expect to be thrown into a firey furnance.

·      Joseph didn’t see coming that his brothers would sell him as a slave.

·      It wasn’t on Moses’ radar that his own countryman would threaten to turn him in for killing an Egyptian after the Egyptian had abused a Hebrew slave and then would spend the next 40 years tending sheep.

·      Peter had no idea how idea how extreme the pressure to deny Christ would be on the night he denied Him three times.

·      And the Apostle Paul had absolutely no idea that his passion and desire to go preach the Gospel to those in Asia would be stopped in its tracts by the Holy Spirit and then redirected to go into Macedonia. 

So, how do you prepare for them and respond to these curveballs when they materialize?

 Read what James 4:13-15 says,

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.’ ‘Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring - what your life will be! For you are like a vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes. Instead, you should say, ‘If the Lord wills we will live and do this or that.’ But as it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. So it is sin to know the good and yet not do it.”

In This Passage James:

·      Is reprimanding Christians who have a faulty worldview about life and how they relate to God. 

·      Lists 5 characteristics of people with this faulty worldview:

  1. They make their own plans about tomorrow: “Today or tomorrow we will go …”

  2. They plan on arriving at a particular destination: “… we will go to such and such a city …”

  3. They plan to spend a specific amount of time there: “… and spend a year there …”

  4. They intend to engage in a specific plan of action: “… and engage in business …”

  5. They intend to experience some specific results: “… and make a profit.”

 So What’s The Problem?  Is It Wrong To Make Plans For The Future?

 No, that’s not what James is saying exactly! In verse 15 he is going to say it is appropriate to plan and act upon that plan.  So, what’s the problem then?

 The problem is when plans are made without a proper understanding of who we are and a proper understanding of who God is. 

Who Are People?

a.     People are limited in knowing what will happen tomorrow!

“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring …” (v. 14a)


b.     People don’t even know if they will be here tomorrow! 

“… what your life will be! For you are like a vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes.” (v. 14b)

Who Is God?

He is the God who wills things to happen!

“Instead, you should say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that …”


In other words, God has the authority to change our plans to match His will.


“Men make their plans but God directs their paths.” 

Proverbs 16:9


Let’s Look Again At

The Apostle Paul Wanting To Enter Into Asia

To Preach The Gospel

“They went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia; they had been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. When they came to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. Passing by Mysia they went down to Troas. During the Night Paul had a vision in which a Macedonian man was standing and pleading with him, “Cross over to Macedonia and help us!’ After he ad seen the vision, we immediately made efforts to set out for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”

Acts 16:6-10

 From these verses we need to ask two very important questions!

2 Two Questions: 

1.     What was preventing them from sharing the Gospel in Asia and Bithynia? 

On both occasions the scripture made it clear that is was the The Holy Spirit preventing them from entering those locations. Even though Paul’s intent was good and God honoring it wasn’t God’s timing for the Gospel to enter into Asia.

2.     What was it that caused them to enter into Macedonia to preach the Gospel? 

Again the answer is God. While it wasn’t God’s timing for the Gospel to go into Asia it was God’s will for the Gospel to come into Macedonia.

Paul had made his plan but it was God directing his steps.

This is a perfect example of God’s people making their plans but allowing God to direct their paths.


The Danger Of Making Plans Without This View Of God! 

1.     It allows for boasting in arrogance!

“But as it is, you boast in your arrogance …” James 4:16a

Boasting in the right thing is not bad and that would be boasting in Christ and His work. But to boast in your arrogance is to boast in yourself and in what you believe you have achieved. But the truth of the matter is that whatever we have achieved is only done by God through us. So to boast in yourself is to think more highly of yourself than you should, for we can do nothing in our own self but only through Christ who strengthens us.

2.     This kind of boasting is evil

“… All such boasting is evil.” James 4:16b)

To use a phrase that one of my fine Christian college professor used to use: “It Would Behoove Us” to learn that all self promotion and boasting is evil and filled with pride. As God’s children we are called to humility - not pridefulness.

3.     This kind of planning is sinful

“So it is sin to know the good and yet not do it.” James 4:17

If we know that we should conducting our planning with God’s will first and foremost in our minds and hearts but do not do it, the Bible is real clear - it is a sin.

If we are implementing our plans but unwilling to alter that course when God is trying to redirect us - it too is a sin!

How Do To Respond To The Curveballs Of Life?

1.     Prepare For Life To Throw You Curveballs

 We prepare for life’s curveballs by make plans based upon what we think to be God’s will.  We do this through prayer as we seek God for his will to be revealed.


2.     Anticipate & Relax When Unexpected Changes Take Place

 Don’t get frustrated about it or worry over it just expect it to be part of the process of God, as our Good Shepherd, leading us from green pastures to green pastures.


3.     Look For God’s Open Doors

 Just as the Apostle Paul wanted to go into Asia to preach  the Gospel but was prevented by the Holy Spirit but then at night in a vision sees a man from Macedonia asking them to come over there, concludes that God was redirecting them to go over there, so we too can expect God when he closes one door to open up another door. But we have to be looking for it in order to see it.

Does The Thought Of Life Throwing You These Curveballs Cause You To Worry? If, so then hit the link below to find out more about a great resource for learning how to live a life without worry while joining Christ on His Mission!

The Mystery Of The Gospel Seed


Jesus loved to teach people about the Kingdom of God and what it is like. He would most often use parables or stories to illustrate the lesson he was trying to teach. These stories dealt with real life things but had a spiritual or Kingdom of God lesson to it. Here’s the parable of the mystery of the Gospel seed.

Missional Living Is Just Life With A Purpose



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Need Help On Overcoming Worry So You Can Share Jesus With Boldness?

Then Click Here To Check Out This Book




My very good friend Pastor Billy Galloska has taken the time out of his busy schedule to write me a very wonderful but honest endorsement for my new book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY.

Pastor Billy is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Glenns Ferry, Idaho.  I love the way he works with his congregation to intentionally equip them live powerful missional lives that brightly shines the Light of Christ in their part of this dark world through making disciples for Jesus Christ.  He and his wife, December, have a powerful testimony of God's transforming power.  Billy understands the needs of ordinary christians and what it takes to empower them to share Christ.  I greatly value his endorsement and what he has to say about my new book, LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY. 

Take a few seconds and read what he has to say about it.

"Worry is a part of every life. Even as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ we can experience worry that sometimes cripples our work. It is no wonder then that ordinary Christians find themselves in the midst of worry that cripples them from sharing God's love in their part of this dark world.

Author Jay Moore uses 
Living on Mission in Spite Of My Worry to show that even in our worry God can and does empower us to inspire and connect with people in our part of this dark world to share the good news of Jesus when we seek His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Jay has not only hit the mark with this book, he has driven it home. If you have become crippled by worry, whether you are an ordinary Christian or you are a minister, this book is a must-read that will not only keep you reading but make you want to hit the neighborhood halfway through!"

Pastor Billy Galloska
First Baptist Church
Glenns Ferry, Idaho

Check Out This Powerful New Book For Yourself



Are You Prepared & Trained To Join Christ When He Brings A Powerful Movement To Your Community


Many people are praying for God to bring one of His powerful movements to their city and their nations!  Many pastors and churches are also praying for God to unleashing a great revival in their area!

But I have a question for you!  


Watch this video and then ask yourself if there are some things you need to be doing as a Christian to be ready to join Christ on His mission.  Pastors you need to ask yourself if there are some things you need to be doing to position your church body (members) to be ready to joining Christ on His mission.  Take a few moment and watch this short video. 

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The #1 Factor That Determines How You Portray Christ To The World!

While there are other things that will determine how you portray Christ to others, I believe this video will share with you one of, if not the most, factor in how people see Christ in you.  To learn more about how to shine the Light of Christ brightly in your part of this dark world, check out this powerful book on living a powerful missional life: 

THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE: A Journey Into Missional Living.


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How To Use Social Media To Shine The Light of Christ: Part 1


Social Media is a major part of the our lives! We use it everyday. We stay connected with people through it. Therefore, it has become a major tool that needs to be used wisely to shine the Light of Christ brightly in our part of this dark world. 

I am going to do a series of posts to help Followers of Christ use social media wisely and Biblically in order to share Christ to a world that desperately needs him.  Check out this first video and see what you think. 

Evaluating Your Perception Of Church

How do people outside the church view the church?  How do people inside the church view the church? Does our perception of the church have an effect on the relevance we give to the church? And is our perception of the church Biblical and accurate?  These are some of the question we are going to look at in this post.  I pray it gives you something to chew on and help you become a better Light of Christ in your part of this dark world! 

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A Biblical Story On Joining Christ On His Mission

In Acts 8:26-40 we have an amazing story about an ordinary christian by the name of Philip who was used by God in an amazing way.  From it we learn some powerful principles for shining the Light of Christ brightly in our part of this dark world. Watch and see what you might learn.

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3 Important Choices That Lead To Powerful Missional Living

A powerful missional life just doesn't happen by chance.  It comes about because Christians make choices that lead them into that kind of lifestyle.  These choices are not always easy to make and if the truth be told they are often extremely difficult.

As we look at Moses we can see 3 choices that he had to make that allow him to powerfully join God on His mission.  These same 3 choices still face Christians today!   To make the choice the way God would have you will lead to greater effectiveness in shining the Light of Christ but to make the choice contrary to God will cause you to become impotent and ineffective in missional living.  

To choice God's way is not easy and will require you to have faith in God.  The outcome of your choices may not always be clear but your conviction to follow Christ is not only clear but firm and your trust that God will work all things out for good is steady.  Without faith you cannot please God - you cannot make the choices the way God would have you to make.  

The Bible verse to help us navigate in understanding these choice is found in Hebrews 11:24-26.

"By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward." (NIV)

Let us take a look at the 3 choices:

Choice #1:  Choose To Identify With God & Not The People Of The World

"By faith, Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter" (Vs. 24 NIV)
We all know the story of Moses of how Pharaoh, out of fear of having the Hebrew slaves grow so large in numbers that they might overthrow him, ordered that all the male children under a certain age be killed.  We remember how Moses' mother hid Moses until he was to big to hide any longer but then out of faith put baby Moses in a basket and floated him downstream. We've heard about how Pharaoh's daughter found the basket and fell in love with baby Moses and decided to raise him herself thereby making him a Prince of Egypt.  And in the palace of Pharaoh Moses was raised in the wealthiest country in the world.  He had pleasure, prestige, power and property.  He was living in the lap of luxury.  
That was until he was all grown up and decided to no longer live in the lap of luxury while his people were living as slaves.  He wanted to help his people. He wanted to find a way to ease their suffering.  MOSES GAVE UP THAT IDENTITY OF BEING A PRINCE OF EGYPT TO BE KNOWN AS A HEBREW SLAVE
As we intentionally set out to live a life on mission with Christ we too will be asked by God to exercise our faith to abandon our identity with the world and instead, be known as a Child of God.  We will be asked by God to stop considering ourselves as a member of this world but instead to consider ourselves as ambassador for the Kingdom of God.
When we make this choice most of the people in the world will not understand why we would do that.  Many people will ridicule us - make fun of us - and even malign our character for choosing it.  They will consider us foolish and even traitors.  
But we also need to keep in mind that how we view our identity will have a powerful effect on how we go about God's mission and how effective we will be in accomplishing His will. 

Choice #2:  Choose To Embrace Suffering Rather Than Pleasure

"He chose to be mistreated along with people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time."  (v.25 NIV)

Did you see that?  Moses chose to be mistreated!  That's amazing!  Instead, of living in the lap of luxury with everything your heart could ever want.  Moses gave it all up just to follow God and be obedient to him.  That requires a growing faith to make that kind of Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

.And it's not just about giving up the pleasures of the world (Egypt) but more importantly to give them up in favor to being mistreated by others who don't believe in God.  Moses could have enjoyed all the sinful pleasures that a wealthy life as a Prince of Egypt could offer.  But he chose not to.  Why? Partly because Moses realized that sin, though pleasurable, is only temporary but in like fashion he also realized that that the mistreatment he would experience was also only temporary.

In missional living we will experience the mistreatment from the people of this world.  By choosing Christ and obedience to His mission we become an enemy to the world and the rulers of this world. We could experience all the pleasures of the sinful lifestyle this world has to offer.  We could easily drown ourselves in debauchery and party until to our hearts content.  But we are willing to give it up!  Why? Because we know that with Christ's return comes the end of all of the pleasure of sin. 

But it's going to require faith for you to make that choice!  We can see sin and the pleasures that people get from their participation in it but we don't see Christ and all that he has offer yet.  We have to believe and trust that Christ will be true to his word.  THAT'S FAITH.

Choice #3:  Choose The World's Disgrace Over Getting Their  Approval.

"He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt because he was looking ahead to his reward."  (v. 26)

This is a choice of what's of most value to you!  Moses felt that being disgraced and dishonored by those of the world was of more value than all the riches in Egypt.  All the hate, all the name calling, all the beatings and even death was of worth more than all the treasures the world could gather together.  

Jesus express the same sentiments on the Sermon On The Mount in what we call the Beatitudes.  Read what he says:

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11,12 (NIV)

According to Jesus we are "BLESSED" when we are insulted, persecuted and lied about all because Jesus.  We are to rejoice when these things happen because our reward in Heaven because of it. 

I'm not sure what you think but Jesus believed that our reward in Heaven is going to be far more valuable than all of the treasures of earth.  

You know, when suffer for Christ we are in really company. Moses suffered, all of the prophets of the Old Testament suffered and even Jesus' own disciples died because of their choice to follow Christ. and not submit to the opinions and attitudes of the world. 

3 Choices!  Making these 3 choices will greatly enhance your missional living.  It will help shine the Light of Christ brighter than you ever thought possible. 

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Powerful Missional Living And The Law Of Reciprocity

When you begin to fully understand and put into practice The Law of Reciprocity your effectiveness in shining the Light of Christ and sharing the Gospel will grow by leaps and bounds.  The Law of Reciprocity simply says:

"When someone does something nice for you, you will have a deep-rooted psychological urge to do something nice in return. As a matter of fact, you may even reciprocate with a gesture far more generous than their original good deed."

The word "Reciprocity" simply means to exchange something with another person for mutual benefit.  Here's how the Law of Reciprocity when you do something nice, kind or meaningful for another they feel compelled to reciprocate and do something for you in return.  

This law has been practice in all kinds of fields and professions.  Salesmen have used it to gain contracts from prospective clients; governments have used it to build their international relationship with another country; and even law enforcement have used it to entice potential witnesses.  

This law is powerful in tugging on the emotional strings of people.  People feel compelled but not manipulated to return the favor and show the same kind of kindness that was shown to them.

Here's how it works when it comes to living a powerful missional life!  Let me give you two scenario's:

Scenario #1:  

Let's say you have a co-worker that's become seriously ill and landed themselves in the hospital.  You hear about and take the initiative to go over to the hospital with a card and flowers to see how they are doing.  Immediately, as you arrive with the card and flowers in hand you have struck an emotional chord with your co-worker. Your thoughtfulness of taking time out of your day and taking money out of your pocket has just made a huge deposited into your co-workers emotional bank account.  As the two of you talk you find out that they are very nervous about their physical health and unsure of what the future holds for them.  So, in response you ask your co-worker if you could pray for them, their healing and for the doctors as they treat them.  The Law of Reciprocity kicks in. Because you have given to them by taking time out of your day and buying the beautiful flowers and because they have a real fear they say, "Oh yes, please do.".  After you pray for them right then and there you then ask them if you can share with them a story out of the Bible that you feel might give them some comfort and hope.  The Law of Reciprocity kicks in again and they say, "Please do."  So, you tell them one of the stories of Jesus healing a person and how their faith in Christ allowed the healing to come.  

Scenario #2:

Let's say you have decided to shine the Light of Christ in your own neighborhood and you are going to go door to door in your neighborhood talking about Christ.  Instead of just knocking on someone's door and asking if you can share with them about Jesus (which will more than likely get an immediate "NO") you implement the Law of Reciprocity.  Here's how it goes:  You knock on the door and when the person answers the door you introduce yourself by saying,  "Hi, my name is Jay Moore, (please use your name) I am one of your neighbors and I am just going around meeting my neighbors and because I know that the times are really hard for people I am also asking if there is anything going on in your life that I can pray for you about.  Is there anything you need God to do for you?  They may question you about if you are a Jehovah Witness or a Mormon Missionary.  Just assure them that you are neither and that you are just a person who follows Jesus and you sincerely want to know if there is anything going on in their life that needs prayer.  This is the Law of Reciprocity at work.  You are not asking anything from them - you are simply and sincerely asking if you can help them through prayer.  You will be surprised the number of people who will do need prayer and will be blown away by your gesture of kindness and will share with you their need.  Once they share that need pray for them right then and there. And pray specifically for the need they shared. I have personally seen people in tears as I pray for them. Your sincere prayer is making a large deposit in their emotional bank account. After, you have finished the prayer ask them if you can come back in a week or two to see how they are doing.  The Law of Reciprocity will make it easier for them to say "Yes".  Now, that has opened the door for you to come back and share Jesus and the Gospel with them. 

Theodore Roosevelt is quoted as saying,  

"No one cares how much you know, until the know how much you care."  
That's another way of explaining the Law of Reciprocity.  If you come in the name of Jesus Christ and to share the Gospel with someone but first help them in their time of real need you will have built and emotional bridge that will allow the sharing of the Gospel to be well received.  This is the reason why Jesus on the Sermon On The Mount said,  "Let you light so shine before men in such a way that they see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven."

If you will implement this law to your everyday missional living by doing good and sincere deeds for people you want to reach with the Gospel before you go and share with them you will see dramatic results.  THIS IS POWERFUL!

Do Loving Deeds & Follow It Up With SharingThe Gospel!

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A Biblical Case Study For Using Civil Disobedience As A Missional Living Strategy

Does the Bible give us an example for using civil disobedience as a way to bring glory to God and live a powerful missional life?  If so, does the Bible shed light on "When" and "How" to use it properly?

Watch this video as I share a true story from the Bible and whats answers we can glean from it for these questions.

Biblical Case Study For Civil Disobedience In Missional Living

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Missional Living May Include Civil Disobedience!

A little over a week ago I was at a meeting that my local Baptist association was holding.  I was enjoying fellowshipping with others who are in the spiritual trenches fighting the good fight in sharing the Gospel of Jesus with others who still need to hear.

As I was fellowshipping and sharing I was also listening to other conversations, a pastime I enjoy doing, when I heard a comment from a pastor sharing how one of his church members was not able to share Jesus at his work because it was in a public workplace and he would lose his job (i.e. school, courthouse, etc.). 

Now, I’ve heard this kind of comment before and it’s never really settled too well with me, but this time it really bothered me.  I’m not sure why, but it did.  I thought about it all week long.  It was just simmering there – not a hot and boiling frustration just a niggling frustration that wouldn’t go away.  It also got me thinking about when should we as Christians exercise civil disobedience.   When is it appropriate for Christians to stand up against the judges, the courts and the social order of the day and say, “No, I will not obey”?

I was reading through the Book of Daniel when something really began to stick out to me from two different narratives in Daniel.  Both of the narratives deal with not compromising; one by doing something you know you are not supposed to do, and the other by not doing what you know you are supposed to do.

The first narrative involves Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  The King built a huge golden statue and commanded everyone to bow down and worship it or be thrown into the fiery furnace.  We all know the story. They chose not to obey and as a result were thrown into the furnace.  They chose to obey God and not do what they were supposed to do by law and they were saved!  HOW COOL IS THAT?!

The second narrative involves Daniel himself.  This time the King was tricked into making a decree allowing no one to pray during a certain period of days except to the god of the king punishable by being thrown into the lion’s den.  Again, we know this story and how Daniel not only did pray to the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but he also did it with the windows wide open in full view of everyone.  He didn’t choose to pray in secret behind some closed doors.  He didn’t make it a private matter.  No, he openly and publically chose to disobey the king’s decree.  Why?  Daniel was more willing to die in the lion’s den than he was to disgrace his God by choosing to be silent.  Choosing to pray privately would have given the appearance of compliance to the decree and Daniel wanted there to be no doubt as to his allegiance to his God.

NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL MISSIONAL LIVING!  That’s what it looks like to be totally sold out to God and His Son Jesus Christ!

I’m left wondering in today’s modern society where are our uncompromising Daniels?  Where are the followers of Christ who refuse to compromise their faith, by curbing or curtailing their speech because a rule or law has been enacted by faithless people?  Where are those Christians who are willing to openly share Jesus without apology even if it means they might lose their job?  Where are those men and women of God who are willing to stare into the fiery furnace, hot and blazing, and say to the King (president, judge, or even the Supreme Court),

Let it be known that we are more than confident that our God is able to save us from the punishment you have pronounced upon us but also know this, even if God chooses not to deliver us we will not compromise!

Where are you, people of God?  Child of God – why do you need permission from men to do what God has already commanded you to do?  When are you going to stop buckling under the tyranny of people who only wish to silence you?

Let us use Daniel and his three companions as our example of how to stand up to a society that is Godless!  Remember this Daniel could never have been delivered from the lion’s den unless he was first thrown into the lion’s den.  His three companions could never have been delivered from the fiery furnace unless they were first thrown into it.  You will never experience God’s power to deliver you unless you are willing to place yourself in a position that needs His deliverance. So, when is it appropriate to exercise civil disobedience?  When society and the laws of the land tell you that you must to do something that God has clearly said you cannot do or when you are told by government you cannot do something that God has already commanded you to do.  Obey God – not men!

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What Can We Learn About Missional Living From A Ceramic Teachers Experiment?

Principles for Missional Living can be learned from many different sources, including from an experiment that a ceramic teacher did with his class.  I pray that you will be encouraged, empowered and equipped to never quit pursuing a powerful missional life that brightly shines the Light of Christ.  Watch this video and see what you learn!

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What Can We Learn From Major League Baseball Player Hank Aaron About Powerful Missional Living

Sometimes we can learn the greatest lesson about shining the Light of Christ from people in different professions!  Today we are going to look at Major League Baseball Player Hank Aaron and a lesson his career can afford us to live powerful missional lives.  Watch this video and be both encouraged and inspired to go shine the Light of Christ brightly in your part of this dark world. 

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