Photo by Val Toch on Unsplash

Photo by Val Toch on Unsplash

Anything building you construct is only as strong as the foundation that you lay. This also true in constructing a strong life for missional living. The foundation isn’t just a good idea but an essential element. You can’t have a strong life without a strong foundation.

Jesus at the end of His Sermon On The Mount talks about the kind of foundation that can weather the powerful and destructive storms that life will throw at God’s people as they are joining Christ on His mission. He uses a story to illustrate the kind of foundation that Christians need.

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mind and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand. The rains fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash." Matthew 7:24-27

6 Lessons To Learn From This Story

  1. Everyone Goes Through Storms In Life. Going through storms in life is a matter of “If” but just a matter of “When”. Everyone goes through difficult times that can rock a person to the very core of who they are. The storms might be financial, physical, and if you are intentionally trying to live a life on mission with Christ some of those storms can be in the form of persecutions for you faith and obedience to Christ. YOU WILL HAVE STORMS!

  2. The key to weathering the storms and not collapsing is the foundation your life is built upon. Every person needs to really think through what kind of foundation they are building their life upon. Is it built on a solid rock that would give way or is it build upon the sand that has absolutely no stability at all. The determining factor on whether you life will stand or come crashing down during the storms of life is dependent upon the foundation you have built your life upon.

  3. According to Jesus ALL PEOPLE fall into one of two categories. When you break life down to its lowest common denominator all people are either wise who make really good decisions or fools who haven’t given proper consideration to the choices they make. There’s no grey area. It’s either one or the other.

  4. Both the wise person and the foolish person have one thing in common. They both have just heard Jesus speak the words of the Sermon On The Mount. They both heard what Jesus had to say about how to live life in a Godly way. They both understood what He meant.

  5. There’s one distinguishing difference between the two (wise and fool). While both of the them heard what Jesus had taught, it was only the wise person who also obeys. The fool hears but disobeys. Obedience to Christ and His teachings is the solid rock foundation that allows a person to weather the storms of life. Disobedience is the sandy foundation that cannot hold a life together during those same storms.


3 Applications To Laying A Foundation Of Obedience To Christ:

  1. Daily hear the teaching and commands of Christ.

    “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth ….” Joshua 1:8a

  2. Meditate on those teaching and apply them to your life.

    “… but you shall meditate on them day and night ….” Joshua 1:8b

  3. Be doers of the word.

    “ … so that you will be careful to do all that is written with in it. For then will you make your ways prosperous and then will you have good success.” Joshua 1:8c

So now that you have read this blog post what are you going to do about it? What is God saying to you? How are you going to obey Christ today and thereby build that strong foundation of obedience to Christ?

Please share you answer as a comment and thereby encourage the rest of us.

1 Absolutely Essential Activity For Worry Free Living

Spend Time With Jesus & Watch The Worry Melt Away!

Spend Time With Jesus & Watch The Worry Melt Away!

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’ ‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42

In this Bible story we see a pretty clear picture of most of us when it comes to worry through Martha’s experience. So often, we are so busy doing this thing and doing that thing, that we become overwhelmed and possible overextended.

Martha was busy and distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. I think it’s interesting that the story clearly says that she was distracted! But, distracted from what? What were all of her busy preparations keeping her from that she should have been doing? Once we can answer that question, we also reveal the 1 absolutely essential activity for a worry free life!

The story also reveals that Martha was worried and upset about many things! If the truth of the matter is made clear most people don’t worry about just one or two things. Worry for most people, including Christians, have become a lifestyle. Throughout life we have learned to worry about most things. We’ve watched our parents worry over this or that; we’ve seen our friends grip by worry; and the uncertainty of life has taught us that worry is the proper emotion to have. Through a worldly perspective it appears that most of life is filled with things to worry about.

But not only did the story tell us that she worried about also upset about many things. Being upset and worrying actually go together! When we are worried about something, its because that something is out of our control. We can’t beat it into submission. And when we can’t control something and worry begins to grip our hearts and mind, then we become angry at situations and in this people, Martha’s sister, Mary. Martha was upset with her sister because Mary wasn’t doing what Martha thought she should be doing. What was that? Helping her with the preparations.

So what is the one absolutely essential activity for experiencing a life without worry? It was what Mary was doing! Read again what Jesus says,

“… but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Jesus starts off telling Martha that she’s a worry wart and that her sister helping her isn’t the solution to her worry. Not only was Mary not the solution to Martha’s worry but she actually was doing and being the example on how to get rid of that worry!

What was Mary doing? According to the story Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to everything Jesus was saying. Mary was spending time with Jesus; she was learning from Jesus; she was soaking in all that Christ had to offer and as a result Mary would be filled with peace and contentment and not worry or anxiety. So, what is that one essential activity to get rid of worry?

Spending Regular & Quality Time With Jesus!

When you do then all your worries will begin to melt away!

Here’s the lyrics to a great chorus that shares this message wonderfully:

“One thing is needful O my Father
One thing is needful O my God
That I sit at Your feet
And pour out my love
This thing is needful O my Lord

Verse 2
I sit and worship You my Father
I sit and worship You my God
Lord I sit at Your feet
And pour out my love
I sit and worship You my King

Verse 3
I lift my hands to You my Father
I lift my hands to You my God
Lord I sit at Your feet
And pour out my love
I lift my hands to You my Lord”

For more information on how to live a powerful worry free life, check out this powerful book that was ranked as an Amazon #2 Best Seller in the categories of Missions/Missionary Work and Pastoral Counseling/Recovery. It is called LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY: Biblical Advice On Relieving An Anxious Heart.

In it you will learn about

  • 6 Biblical principles

  • and 5 Biblical practices that will lead you into a life without worry.


What Curtis Sergeant Has To Say About LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY!

Curtis Sergeant

Curtis Sergeant

I pretty excited to share that my new book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY has received a powerful recommendation/review from Curtis Sergeant.  

Here's little bit about Curtis which will explain why I am so honored to have his recommendation.  

Curtis has served our Lord in some very powerful positions.  Here are a few:

  • He is the founder and lead trainer for MetaCamp. A group to train people to live out powerful missional lives. 

  • He has served with E3 Partners as Director of Global Strategies and Vice President.  E3 Partners is a mission agency intended to ignite church planting movements all over the world. 

  • Director Of Church Planting at Saddleback Community Church.

  • Served with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in the following positions: Associate Vice President For Global Strategy; Strategy Associate For East Asia; Global Strategy Coordinator & Church Planting Trainer; and Strategy Coordinator.  

This guy has served our Lord faithfully for the purpose of saturating our world with the Gospel of Jesus.  

Here's what he has to say about LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY:

"Jay's book follows a similar pattern to many of Paul's epistles, with the first half consisting of theology and principles and the second half being practical application.  The second half is culture-specific.  The first half is universal in application.  The first half is timely and much-needed in our day.  It provides a critically important perspective which has come to be alarmingly rare in recent years.  Its message is simple but not easy.  It directly confronts the idolatry of comfort and convenience in current expressions of Christianity.  It challenges us to live the abundant lives the Lord intends for us to live, the life of a disciple, the life of a servant rather than one who is to be served.  It is worth reading for one's own growth and passing on to the disciples we are making.  I recommend it." ~ Curtis Sergeant

It is my sincerest desire that this book helps God's people to shed the worry that plagues them to join Him on his mission of making disciples of the whole world.  

If you are a Follower of Christ and worry holds you back from joining Christ on His mission or holds you back from doing anything that you know God wants you to do, then it’s time to get rid of that worry and begin to live a worry free life. GET YOUR COPY OF THIS POWERFUL BOOK TODAY & LEARN HOW!


Please feel free to share this message with you friends on Facebook & Twitter.  



My very good friend Pastor Billy Galloska has taken the time out of his busy schedule to write me a very wonderful but honest endorsement for my new book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY.

Pastor Billy is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Glenns Ferry, Idaho.  I love the way he works with his congregation to intentionally equip them live powerful missional lives that brightly shines the Light of Christ in their part of this dark world through making disciples for Jesus Christ.  He and his wife, December, have a powerful testimony of God's transforming power.  Billy understands the needs of ordinary christians and what it takes to empower them to share Christ.  I greatly value his endorsement and what he has to say about my new book, LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY. 

Take a few seconds and read what he has to say about it.

"Worry is a part of every life. Even as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ we can experience worry that sometimes cripples our work. It is no wonder then that ordinary Christians find themselves in the midst of worry that cripples them from sharing God's love in their part of this dark world.

Author Jay Moore uses 
Living on Mission in Spite Of My Worry to show that even in our worry God can and does empower us to inspire and connect with people in our part of this dark world to share the good news of Jesus when we seek His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Jay has not only hit the mark with this book, he has driven it home. If you have become crippled by worry, whether you are an ordinary Christian or you are a minister, this book is a must-read that will not only keep you reading but make you want to hit the neighborhood halfway through!"

Pastor Billy Galloska
First Baptist Church
Glenns Ferry, Idaho

Check Out This Powerful New Book For Yourself



3 Hinderances To Living A Powerful Missional Life

When it comes to understanding how to live a missional life that brightly shines the Light of Christ and the things that keep us from that kind of lifestyle we really need to consider three hinderances. These are three things that will keep you from any kind of desired lifestyle but especially a lifestyle that shines the Light of Christ on a day by day basis.

Hinderance #1:  Not Realizing What's Involved To Live A Powerful Missional Life

This is a problem of KNOWLEDGE.  You're failing to live that powerful missional life simply because you don't know what it takes to have that kind of lifestyle.  You don't know what skills are necessary, you don't know what kind of attitude is needed, and you don't know where to begin.  This hinderance is solved through education.  Anyone can gain the information needed for developing the skills of a powerful missional life; anyone can learn the common attitudes that most powerful missional people have and through training a person can begin to develop a road map, with a starting point identified, that they can use to pursue this kind of life.  EDUCATION IS THE SOLUTION!

Can Civil Disobedience Be A Tool For Living A Powerful Missional Life?

Hinderance #2:  Not Pursuing A Powerful Missional Life

This is a problem of MOTIVATION!  If motivation is the issue keeping you from living a powerful missional life that's because you have competing desires pulling your heart away from shining the Light of Christ.  This might be because you haven't fully surrender both your heart and will over to the authority and control of Christ.  It may be that we still think that the world has something to offer us and have failed to come to a heart conviction that all pursuits of this world is meaningless.  We are still trying to seek both the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world in the same time.  The solution to this hinderance is an experience with God that creates a total brokenness of our heart and soul.  It's an experience with the living God that brings a new passion, a new desire and new goals.  It's an experience that leaves us with just one desire and that's to be in complete harmony with the desires of God.  BROKENNESS IS THE SOLUTION!

Hinderance #3:  Not Achieving A Powerful Missional Life

This is a problem of persistence.  If you know what to do and you have a true hearts desire to live that powerful missional life that brightly shines the Light of Christ in your part of this dark world but still haven't accomplished it yet it becomes a matter of just not giving up!  It's deposition of tenacity.  It's that warrior or athlete attitude that says, "No matter what I will never quit; I will never give up; I will never surrender.  With my very last breath I will be pursuing living that missional life that makes Christ known.  People who don't quit are the ones who achieve their desired lifestyles and goals.  For them it's just a matter of time.  It's not "If" they achieve it but "When" they achieve it.  PERSISTENCE IS THE SOLUTION.

If you have found this post encouraging to living a life that brightly shines the Light of Christ please share it with you friends on Facebook & Twitter!

Living A Powerful Missional Life Is A Lot Like Playing A Good A Good Poker Hand

Did you know that living a powerful missional life that brightly shines the Light of Christ is a lot like being able to play a good hand at poker?  That's right! There is an important lesson we can learn from those really great poker players that we can apply to our missional living strategies.  

In this video I am going to share with you 1 essential lesson for shining the Light of Christ brightly that we can learn from poker.  It is a powerful lesson and if you can effectively apply it to your life will amp up the voltage of brightness in being the Light of the World.

If You Like This Video Please Take A Few Moments & Share It With Your Facebook & Twitter Followers!