Russia, Ukraine, & God's Sovereign Control

There is so much grave concern about what is going on with Russia in regards to Urkraine. And understandably so! But I also want to remind my brothers and sisters in Christ about the lesson God taught King Nebuchadnezzar. It is a lesson that we as God's people need to remember and find comfort in. Here is what God said to the Great King Nebuchadnezzar,

"... and this is the Most High, which has come upon my lord the king: that you be driven away from mankind and your dwelling place be with the beasts of the beasts of the field, and you be given greass to east like cattle and be drenched with the dew of heaven; and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes." Daniel 4:25

While this is disturbing! While this invasion should cause all of us to stand up, take notice and choose to do something about it. We also need to remember that God is not only on His thrown but God is also in charge of what nations are raised up, what nations are torn down and that it is all about God bringing about the end of this present age and bringing in the age to come also known as the Millennial Kingdom where Christ reigns for a 1000 years.

From an earthly perspective we see nations positioning themselves to further their ambitions but from a Heavenly perspective God is moving His chess pieces to usher in his Kingdom.

So, with all that is going on let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Ukraine but let us also keep our faith in the Lord Jesus strong and remember that even the nations of this world are under His sovereign authority. And let us pray for God's Kingdom to come and God's will to be done on earth just as it is in Heaven.

Remember the words of Jesus when He told his disciples,

" ... you will be hearing of wars and rumors of war. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom and against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all of these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs." Matthew 24:6-8

Remember God is still in control!

Time To Lace Up Your Spiritual Boots


In Ephesians 6 where it talks about putting on the full Armor of God and specifically to shod your feet with the readiness of the Gospel, notice it doesn’t say to put on the Gospel but to put on the readiness or preparedness of the Gospel. Or in my words, “Make sure you’re prepared to share the Gospel with those who need to hear it!

The Gospel isn’t something we put on but is something that God has put on us. We experience the effects of the Gospel as it transforms our lives and frees us from the guilt of our sin. But in this verse of Ephesians we are specifically told that we are to do something - not to allow something to be done to us. What is it? It is making sure that we as individual Christians are well prepared and ready to share the Gospel to anyone, in any place at any time.

Being prepared to share the Gospel is part of Spiritual Warfare. Have you ever thought about it in that way before? But it is and we should really start looking at being prepared to share the Good News as part of our spiritual warfare encounters. That why we get trained and train other disciples to do the same. Being trained to share the Gospel helps us to be more effective in spiritual warefare!

Sharing the Gospel is an act of Spiritual Warfare. It is us liberating those still enslaved to sin and blinded by Satan by the sharing of the Gospel to others. We are freedom fighters and the Gospel is the key that unlocks their chains and gives them freedom!

Do you really think that Satan is going to stand idly by and watch you free his slaves. Of course not! Satan will respond; he will fight back hard and with a vengeance. Satan can hardly stand it every time a sinner repents after hearing the Gospel.

Here’s another way to look at it; every time we share Gospel we are picking a fight with Satan.


Here’s a couple of books that will help you in getting ready and being prepared to share the Gospel.

The first one is called: THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE: A Journey Into Missional Living. It was written to encourage you, empower you and better equip you to share Jesus with others. Click the link below to get more information about that book!


The second book is called: LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY. Everyone has had worry about being a witness for Christ. This book will give you both Biblical principles and Biblical practices to rid your life from worry so you can share Jesus with peace of heart and mind. Click the link below to read up more on this powerful book!


A Biblical Prescription For Worry!

Randy McWhorter is the former Director of the Healthy Church Group of the California Southern Baptist Convention and now the Lead Pastor of a powerful church in Northern California.

Randy McWhorter is the former Director of the Healthy Church Group of the California Southern Baptist Convention and now the Lead Pastor of a powerful church in Northern California.

My very good friend, Randy McWhorter, in his endorsement for my book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY shared that there is a cure for an anxious heart that will bring you peace, power and make you prosperous in all things regarding God’s will. Read the whole endorsement for yourself,

**“Living On Mission In Spite Of My Worry: Biblical Advice On Relieving An Anxious Heart is akin to a Christian prescription for hypertension of the believer’s heart. My friend, Jay Moore, has shared six Biblical principles that have the potential to revolutionize your concept of what it means to live worry free. You will find each principle to be a practical expression of God’s will for everyone who desires to glorify Him in all he or she does. Together, these six principles guide our understanding of what it truly means to follow Jesus in spite of our human frailties. There is a cure for the anxious heart that will bring peace, power and that will make you prosperous in all things regarding God’s will. There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole! The only question is... will you take the medicine? Will you follow the prescription? Or, will you remain weakened by worry and spiritually anemic? Take the prescription! Why spend another day allowing unnecessary worry to keep you from living a life on mission for the Lord? Take the prescription!” Randy McWhorter**

Now that’s a powerful statement that Randy made but a very true and accurate one. There is good news for all of God’s people who suffer from an anxious heart, a life filled with worry or struggling with the stress that the world loves to throw at each of us. That good news is that you can live a worry free life on a day by day and moment by moment basis.

It is not God’s desire and certainly not His will for His people to live a life plagued with worry. As a matter of fact Jesus himself told us to stop worrying. When we worry we are communicating that God isn’t enough for us and that we really don’t believe that He can meet all our needs or that He knows what is best. When we worry we demonstrate a lack of faith in the Lord Jesus.

But the good news is that you can live that worry free life, it is available to all who are willing to learn and trust God. That’s what this book is all about!

LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY will teach you the Biblical principles and Biblical practices that will guide into a lifestyle that doesn’t worry but just trusts God. This book contains the prescriptions for the cure of worry that Randy was talking about. It shows you what the Balam of Gilead looks like and how to get it.

Click the links below to find out more about this powerful book yourself.



1 Absolutely Essential Activity For Worry Free Living

Spend Time With Jesus & Watch The Worry Melt Away!

Spend Time With Jesus & Watch The Worry Melt Away!

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’ ‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42

In this Bible story we see a pretty clear picture of most of us when it comes to worry through Martha’s experience. So often, we are so busy doing this thing and doing that thing, that we become overwhelmed and possible overextended.

Martha was busy and distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. I think it’s interesting that the story clearly says that she was distracted! But, distracted from what? What were all of her busy preparations keeping her from that she should have been doing? Once we can answer that question, we also reveal the 1 absolutely essential activity for a worry free life!

The story also reveals that Martha was worried and upset about many things! If the truth of the matter is made clear most people don’t worry about just one or two things. Worry for most people, including Christians, have become a lifestyle. Throughout life we have learned to worry about most things. We’ve watched our parents worry over this or that; we’ve seen our friends grip by worry; and the uncertainty of life has taught us that worry is the proper emotion to have. Through a worldly perspective it appears that most of life is filled with things to worry about.

But not only did the story tell us that she worried about also upset about many things. Being upset and worrying actually go together! When we are worried about something, its because that something is out of our control. We can’t beat it into submission. And when we can’t control something and worry begins to grip our hearts and mind, then we become angry at situations and in this people, Martha’s sister, Mary. Martha was upset with her sister because Mary wasn’t doing what Martha thought she should be doing. What was that? Helping her with the preparations.

So what is the one absolutely essential activity for experiencing a life without worry? It was what Mary was doing! Read again what Jesus says,

“… but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Jesus starts off telling Martha that she’s a worry wart and that her sister helping her isn’t the solution to her worry. Not only was Mary not the solution to Martha’s worry but she actually was doing and being the example on how to get rid of that worry!

What was Mary doing? According to the story Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to everything Jesus was saying. Mary was spending time with Jesus; she was learning from Jesus; she was soaking in all that Christ had to offer and as a result Mary would be filled with peace and contentment and not worry or anxiety. So, what is that one essential activity to get rid of worry?

Spending Regular & Quality Time With Jesus!

When you do then all your worries will begin to melt away!

Here’s the lyrics to a great chorus that shares this message wonderfully:

“One thing is needful O my Father
One thing is needful O my God
That I sit at Your feet
And pour out my love
This thing is needful O my Lord

Verse 2
I sit and worship You my Father
I sit and worship You my God
Lord I sit at Your feet
And pour out my love
I sit and worship You my King

Verse 3
I lift my hands to You my Father
I lift my hands to You my God
Lord I sit at Your feet
And pour out my love
I lift my hands to You my Lord”

For more information on how to live a powerful worry free life, check out this powerful book that was ranked as an Amazon #2 Best Seller in the categories of Missions/Missionary Work and Pastoral Counseling/Recovery. It is called LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY: Biblical Advice On Relieving An Anxious Heart.

In it you will learn about

  • 6 Biblical principles

  • and 5 Biblical practices that will lead you into a life without worry.


What Curtis Sergeant Has To Say About LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY!

Curtis Sergeant

Curtis Sergeant

I pretty excited to share that my new book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY has received a powerful recommendation/review from Curtis Sergeant.  

Here's little bit about Curtis which will explain why I am so honored to have his recommendation.  

Curtis has served our Lord in some very powerful positions.  Here are a few:

  • He is the founder and lead trainer for MetaCamp. A group to train people to live out powerful missional lives. 

  • He has served with E3 Partners as Director of Global Strategies and Vice President.  E3 Partners is a mission agency intended to ignite church planting movements all over the world. 

  • Director Of Church Planting at Saddleback Community Church.

  • Served with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in the following positions: Associate Vice President For Global Strategy; Strategy Associate For East Asia; Global Strategy Coordinator & Church Planting Trainer; and Strategy Coordinator.  

This guy has served our Lord faithfully for the purpose of saturating our world with the Gospel of Jesus.  

Here's what he has to say about LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY:

"Jay's book follows a similar pattern to many of Paul's epistles, with the first half consisting of theology and principles and the second half being practical application.  The second half is culture-specific.  The first half is universal in application.  The first half is timely and much-needed in our day.  It provides a critically important perspective which has come to be alarmingly rare in recent years.  Its message is simple but not easy.  It directly confronts the idolatry of comfort and convenience in current expressions of Christianity.  It challenges us to live the abundant lives the Lord intends for us to live, the life of a disciple, the life of a servant rather than one who is to be served.  It is worth reading for one's own growth and passing on to the disciples we are making.  I recommend it." ~ Curtis Sergeant

It is my sincerest desire that this book helps God's people to shed the worry that plagues them to join Him on his mission of making disciples of the whole world.  

If you are a Follower of Christ and worry holds you back from joining Christ on His mission or holds you back from doing anything that you know God wants you to do, then it’s time to get rid of that worry and begin to live a worry free life. GET YOUR COPY OF THIS POWERFUL BOOK TODAY & LEARN HOW!


Please feel free to share this message with you friends on Facebook & Twitter.  

Being Challenged Not To Allow Worry To Overtake You To Loving People Into God's Kingdom!


I just have to tell you that I am so very excited to share this next endorsement with you about my book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY! 

Why?  Because it is from a person who make up the audience I am trying to reach and encourage to be on mission.  That target audience are those that I like to call Ordinary Christians.

What Do I Mean By Ordinary Christian?  First let me say that I am not trying to demean anybody by using that title.  I do believe that all of who come to faith in Christ are now somebody very important. Not because of our own goodness but because of the grace of God.

When I say ordinary christians, I mean people who are just your everyday follower of Christ, who loves Jesus and wants to be obedient. They don't have any special Bible education from a Christian college or seminary but they do love studying the Bible and staying close to Jesus in prayer. 

However, they may worry about joining Christ on His mission for one reason or another.  This book is written to encourage and equip them to live a worry free life while being on mission with Christ. 

Janet Howard is such a Christian.  She loves Jesus with all her heart; she wants to be obedient to Him as an expression of her love for him; she want to share the love of Christ with others but has suffer with some worry over it.  

I had her read this book so as to see if I had accomplished my goal for writing the book, which is to help people overcome their worry and join in God's mission.  Read what she says and see for yourself if I accomplished it or not.

"This book, LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY, is just as the title suggests. The beginning chapters give us foundational biblical reasons why we should not allow worry hinder the mission that God is calling all believers into. The remaining chapters give clear practical advice and steps to take to move forward in that mission without worry. It will be a great book for group studies to encourage and equip ordinary believers live out their mission. As I read through the book I was challenged in my own personal responsibility to not allow worry overtake the need to love people into the kingdom. It's a very worthwhile book to read.”
Janet Howard
An Ordinary Christian
Tucson, Az

Check Out This Powerful New Book For Yourself





My very good friend Pastor Billy Galloska has taken the time out of his busy schedule to write me a very wonderful but honest endorsement for my new book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY.

Pastor Billy is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Glenns Ferry, Idaho.  I love the way he works with his congregation to intentionally equip them live powerful missional lives that brightly shines the Light of Christ in their part of this dark world through making disciples for Jesus Christ.  He and his wife, December, have a powerful testimony of God's transforming power.  Billy understands the needs of ordinary christians and what it takes to empower them to share Christ.  I greatly value his endorsement and what he has to say about my new book, LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY. 

Take a few seconds and read what he has to say about it.

"Worry is a part of every life. Even as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ we can experience worry that sometimes cripples our work. It is no wonder then that ordinary Christians find themselves in the midst of worry that cripples them from sharing God's love in their part of this dark world.

Author Jay Moore uses 
Living on Mission in Spite Of My Worry to show that even in our worry God can and does empower us to inspire and connect with people in our part of this dark world to share the good news of Jesus when we seek His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Jay has not only hit the mark with this book, he has driven it home. If you have become crippled by worry, whether you are an ordinary Christian or you are a minister, this book is a must-read that will not only keep you reading but make you want to hit the neighborhood halfway through!"

Pastor Billy Galloska
First Baptist Church
Glenns Ferry, Idaho

Check Out This Powerful New Book For Yourself




Christians all over the world experience unnecessary worry! They worry about health, they worry about finances, they worry about their children, they worry about being obedient to God, and the list could go on and on about the things that Christians worry about!

But for Christians who sincerely want to join Christ on His Great Commission, worry isn't only unnecessary but it is also debilitating! Why is i debilitating? Because is paralyzes you from doing the things that you really want to do or the things that you know you should do. I know of a person who decided not to graduate from college once they learned that they would required to take a speech class. You see they were worry and fearful over speaking in public and that worry crippled them from finishing school.

What's a follower of Christ to do? After all, isn't worry just a natural part of life, including a Christian's? Isn’t just something we need to accept as part of our life? Or, is it? Does God really want us to just deal with the fact that worry is a part of our life or is it part of God’s plan for you to live a worry free life now that you’ve come to faith in Jesus Christ?


In the book LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY you will discover that worry isn't part of God's plan for His children and it will serve as your guide on how you can rid your life of it forever. Before I tell you what you will learn from this book, let me first tell you what this book is not!

  • First, this is not a book containing five easy steps to a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

  • Second, this book isn't a watered down Christian self-help book that contains a bunch of fluff with no real spiritual substance or meat.

  • Third, this book not a “Name It & Claim It” book. On the contrary, the pages contained in this book are going to challenge you beyond your level of comfort!

As matter of fact, as you read this book you may begin to wonder if you really want to live that worry free life! The Biblical principles that you will learn will sound totally counter intuitive to all that you have come to know about living a life without worry. You will learn that a life without worry is a life of denial; You will learn that obtaining that life will require you to die to yourself and take up your cross daily and follow Christ. It is a life of total submission in mind, heart, and will to the will of the resurrected Jesus.

This book will provoke you! I am not writing this book as a comfort to you but more to challenge you! I want to provoke you to rethink why you’re worried, why you allow those worries to paralyze you from joining Christ on His mission, and why God still has you in this world.

LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY will teach you six Biblical principles and five Biblical practices for living a life free of worry. These principles are taken from a famous quote from the great missionary, Hudson Taylor and exemplified through his life of service.

So, with this warning clearly given, read at your own risk!




Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash

Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash

No matter how you cut it, life is filled with trials, tribulations and difficult times and as a result people tend to worry and fret over what will become of it all.  But for those who are Followers of Christ who are actively and intentionally joining Christ on His mission of redeeming a lost world the trials, tribulations and difficult times are multiplied.  In addition to all the normal difficulties of life Missional Christians also fight a spiritual battle of Satan trying to discourage the believer. But in the midst of all these struggles we hear the voice of Jesus ring out saying,

” … do not be anxious for your life … ” Matthew 6:25 (NAS)

Notice what Jesus didn’t say,  He didn’t say, “Try not to worry to much!”  No, He just told us to stop it!  But how?  How can you stop worry about the unknown that follows a trial and tribulation?  Well lucky for us Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, not only tells us to stop it but He also tells us the cure for the worried life and how to experience peace instead!

This is so important for those who are intentionally living a missional life because this kind of lifestyle will be filled with lots of difficult trials and tribulations and if your faith is not firmly rooted in Christ you will literally worry yourself to death as you attempt to live a missional life.

So today, we are going to look at 2 reason why we shouldn’t worry!

2 Reasons For Why You Shouldn’t Worry  (Matthew 6: 25-34)

#1:  Because There’s More To Life Than Your Worries!

”  do not be anxious for your life. Is not life more than food, and body more than clothing.”  (v. 25 NAS)

The truth of the matter is that when we worry or get anxious about something we are focusing on a very small part of our life.  Whether we worry about food, clothing, health, work, or finances the truth of the matter is that these are just a small part of what makes up our  lives.  Life is also filled with many other things. These others things are good and pleasing and amazing.  When we worry we are choosing to not look at the good things that are going on in our lives.

#2:  Because Worry Doesn’t Accomplish Anything!

“And who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life.” (v. 27 NIV)

Think about it for a moment!  What does worry do for you?  What does it change?  Does the energy you spend on worry help to fix the issue or the problem?  No!  Absolutely not!  Can worry give you a longer life?  No. Actually, science now says that worry can shorten your life.  It can contribute to all kinds of physical problems that can lead to a diminished healthy life.  So, I ask what good does worrying do for you?  No good at all !

For more great Biblical teachings on the principles and practice for living a worry free life while joining Christ on His mission, check out this powerful book entitled:



In this book you will learn:

  • Six Biblical principles for over coming worry while being missional.

  • Five Biblical principles for implementing a worry free life.

  • And a section for developing your own personal strategy for a life without worry.


Alleviating The Worry Of Joining Christ On His Mission!


Worry is one of the biggest barriers that keep Christians from joining Christ on His mission.  And that worry can involve many different things.  

They Worry About Saying The Wrong Things:

Some Christians feel that they just don't know enough about their Christian faith to share the Gospel with others, and as such, they could easily say something that is wrong.  The good news is that the Gospel is not complicated and doesn't require you to be a rocket scientist to do it.  With some very basic and quick training you can both thoroughly understand the Gospel and share it with others.  THIS IS A WORRY THAT IS EASILY REMEDIED!  


They Worry About Not Having The Right Answers To Peoples Questions:

When you share Jesus with others, will they have questions? Absolutely! But don't allow the worry of not having the right answer keep you from sharing Jesus with others.  

There's a true story in the Bible, after Jesus had healed a man from being blind from birth, that the religious leaders (who didn't like Jesus) decided they needed to question the man who had been healed.  Take a moment and read about how this man responded to comments about Jesus that he had no answers for:

"A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. 'Give glory to God,' they said. 'We know this man is a sinner.' He replied, 'Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!" Luke 9

You can read the whole story in the Gospel of John, chapter 9.  But did you see how the man responded to the comments he had no knowledge of?  This man should serve as an example to the rest of us, on how we should respond to people who have questions, sincere or insincere questions!  That response should simply be:

"That is something I don't have an answer for but I will search to find the answer for you, but for now let me share with you what I do know!"

Then you share with them what Jesus has done for you since placing your faith in Him. You don't need to have all the answers to everyones questions concerning God and Jesus! You can always go find those answers.  But you should use their questions to share more of our story of coming to faith in Christ. People can argue about theology but no one can argue about your testimony in Christ!  They may not believe it but they can't argue against it. 

They Worry About The Type Of People God Will Have Them Go To:

That's the worry that Jonah had when God called him to go prophecy against the Great city of Nineveh. He didn't like them and he wanted to full unbridle wrath of God to fall on them. His biggest worry was that they would hear his message and the repent and if God saw their repentance, Jonah knew that God would forgive them.  

There might be some people you just don't like, you don't care for and you could care less if they came to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  If so, then you have an sinful attitude problem.  You need to be so convicted in your heart by the Lord that those whom you care the least for are those that want to come to know Jesus. You need to spend so much time in the presence of the Lord that his desires for these people become your desires as well. 

And list of worries can go on and on.

Philippians 4:6 gives us one powerful practice to help alleviate the anxiety that keeps us from joining Christ on His mission.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

What's that one "Best Practice" for ridding yourself from the worry and anxiety that plagues your heart.  IT'S PRAYER! When we pray God sends His peace into our lives to do two things:

  1. Guard Our Hearts: God's peace will alleviate the emotional pain and suffering that joining Christ on His mission might give you.  From my experiences, God actually changes the emotional pain into emotional pleasure, as I join Christ on His mission.
  2. Guard Our Minds:  God's peace will also remove the confusions of our thinking and replace it with the Mind of Christ that gives us clear understanding.  

So, if you are worried about joining Christ on His mission I suggest you just STOP IT and start PRAYING ABOUT IT. You know it's God's will for you to join Him on His mission, so just take the time in prayer to receive God's peace and His transformation and then just go join Him and see the great things that God will do in and through you.  

Take A Few Moment & Please Share Your Thought On This Post As A Comment!

How To Face Change With Confident Anticipation


In preparing to end this past year and to start the new year, it seemed only appropriate to talk about the subject of change. 

Life seems to offer us one guarantee and that is that change will happen. Change is something we tend to fear and become anxious about because we do not feel we are in control of life when it happens! But is that really true?

I tend to look at the subject of “Change” as falling into 1 of 2 categories:

  • Planned Change:  This is change that we have had a part in planning.  It can involve things like:

1.  A career change

2. A move to a new city

3. Retirement

  • Unexpected Change:  This is the kind of change that seems to be thrusted upon us and were were clueless that it was going to take place. These can include:

1. The death of a loved one.

2. Unexpected illness

3. Being laid off from your job.

The problem with both of these ideas is that they focuses on the wrong thing!  The focus is all on us! It's all about what "I Want" or "That I need to be in control".  It's all "I", "I", "I"!  It's a pretty self-centered approach to looking at change!

But are we really to be the focus when facing change?  Is it really all about us?  I don't think so. 

The good news is that regardless of whether the change was PLANNED OR UNEXPECTED God was the one in control all along and He was not caught off guard by the change.  Instead, it was in His sovereign that caused the change to occurred. 

If we trust in God and allow the change He brought about to grow us to become more like Jesus in how we respond and act, then we are promised that it will always work out for good!

Now in light of what I just said let me encourage you not to be short sighted when you consider if some change worked out for your good or not.  Our perspective should go far beyond this temporal life that we live it and go on into eternity.  MUCH OF WHAT WE EXPERIENCE HERE IN THIS LIFE WILL NOT BE ACTUALIZED WITH GOOD UNTIL WE ENTER INTO THE NEXT LIFE!

Let's remember what 1 Cor 2:9 says!

“However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him—“

Let’s be honest, most of us have no idea all the great things that God has in store for us through the trials, tribulations and the changes he has us go through in this life.

So, how do we face change with confident anticipation?  Does God's word have anything to say that will help us?

Let's read Romans 8:28

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (NAS)

This verses gives us 3 clues that will help us when it comes to understanding change in our lives:

I.  God Is The One That Has Caused The Change To Take Place

Did you notice the verse in Romans starts off by saying, "... God causes all things ..."?  It is God who has brought about the circumstances that will create the needed change.  When things change it is because God is at work.  

It's not as if God was caught off guard by the change and then has to react to it.  No! God was the author of the change and the circumstances that were used to bring the change about.  

This one insight should bring you tremendous comfort when considering the changes that may or may not occur during this next year.  You can face the future and any new change with confidence because you know who was the author of the change.

II.  The Purpose Of The Change Is To Bring About Good!

Look again at what Romans says, "... God causes all things to work together for good."  That right for GOOD!  Even with the most dreadful of circumstance God has a purpose and plan at work to bring about good.

Take a look at Joseph the son of Jacob who was sold into slavery by his 10 older brothers and then afterwards thrown into jail because of being falsely accused of trying to rape his masters wife.  God used all those circumstances to get Joseph to be in the right place at the right time, so he could be used by God to save lots and lots of people from starvation.  Joseph himself even acknowledges this truth when he says to his brothers, much later, that even though what they did, they did with the intent to harm him, God intended it for good and to save many.   All the pain, all the heartache, all the betrayals and all the suffering Joseph had to endure was part of the plan God used to bring about good. 

Shouldn't it be comforting to know that God will never waste a hurt?  That will use all your pain and suffering to bring about good? Shouldn't we be able to face each new change that happens in our lives with confident anticipation knowing that some how God is going to use it for His glory and the good of others?

III.  This Promised Is Reserved Only Those Who Have Been Called By God!

" ... to those who are called according to His purposes."  

Not everyone who goes through painful changes are promised that good will come out of it!  No, only those who have been called by God and have a relationship with Him.  

In Noah's day when God brought about a huge change by flooding the world only Noah, his wife, his 3 sons and their wives benefited from the good that came about.  

Here's the wonderful thing about this great truth:  If you have a personal relationship with Christ because you have personally believed in His death, burial and resurrection and have surrendered control of your life over to the care and control of Christ, then this promise is for you.  

It's not just reserved for the superstar christians!  It is for all who have called upon the name of the Lord.  And that includes you. 

5 Ways To Replace Worry With Peace!

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:4-9

How To Replace Your Worry With God's Peace

#1: By Rejoicing More

This verse starts off my telling us who are worried to start rejoicing or praising God.  To ignore this is to ignore a command from God.

Instead of worry about the stressful situations of life we should look at the more humorous side of things.  My mom was great at doing this.  I can remember sharing with my mom some very frustrating things only to see my mom start chuckling about them.  When I'd ask why she was laughing at my worries she would just say,

"I know this situation is very sad and hard on you and if I'd let it I could easily start crying. But I don't want to cry so I choose to smile and giggle instead."

What my mom had learned was that worrying about something or being at peace about something was a choice we make.  So, instead of worry let's decide to:

  • Laugh more
  • Sing more
  • Dance more
  • Celebrate more

In other words let's decide to REJOICE more!

#2: By Relaxing More

Did you notice what the verse in Philippians said?,

"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."

That word "Gentleness" can mean "Easy" or we could say "Taking it easy"!

The instruction of scripture is instead of stressing out about a situation take it easy and relax. Why? Because you know that God is in control.

#3: By Praying More

"Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard you hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

  • It Says Not To Worry About Anything: What God is saying is that there is nothing in this world that should cause us to be worried, so stop it!
  • Instead, Pray About Every Situation That Might Cause Worry.  Pray about everything. Share with God about your every need.  And thank Him for how he has and will continue to meet your needs and look out after you.

#4:  By Feeding More

" ... whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." (v.8)

You get rid of worry when you are constantly feeding your mind positive, uplifting and God thoughts!  

When you are going through a tough time force yourself to take your attention away from the troubles you are experiencing and place it on all the blessings that God has given to you.  There are always positive things going on around us but many times we have to force ourselves to look for them.

#5:  By Following More

" ... Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you."

Paul was telling the Christians in Philippi to follow his example of how to live a life of peace that was free from worry.  How could Paul say that?  Because he also shared with them that he had discovered the secret of being content in any and every situation.  To be content means you are no longer worrying and Paul had learned how to experience that state of mind on a moment-by-moment and day-by-day basis.

We too should follow the example of others Christians who also have learned how to live that life of freedom from fear.  These kinds of saints have a lot they can teach us and we listen and follow their example.

I hope this blog post has encouraged you, empowered you and equipped you for a more faithful life on mission for Christ!


6 Fears That Keep People From Sharing Jesus With Others

Recently I ask is question to my Facebook Friends:  What's the #1 FEAR you have about telling others about Jesus and how to have their sins forgiven?

 Here are the some of the top 6 responses!

 #1:  Fear That People Belittling You For Your Faith

 This is a fear that people will make fun of you thinking that you are a simple minded person needing to believe in a fairy tale of a God as if belief in God is simple unreasonable. 

 #2:  Fear That You Might Say Something Wrong

 Some people fear that they might not have the right answers and actually give out misinformation. 

 #3: Fear Of Being Called A Bible Pusher

 In my day this was called being afraid of being called a “Jesus Freak”. No matter what you call it: Bible Pusher, Jesus Freak or little good Christian boy the intent is to make fun of you.

 #4:  Fear That Someone Might Cuss You Out.

 When you share Jesus with people you really don’t have any control how they will respond or react.  Some people are afraid that they will get cussed out and cursed at for sharing Jesus with people. 

 #5:  Fear Of Being Rejected For Your Faith

 This is a fear that you might not be accepted in a group or family because you share and believe in Jesus.  It’s a fear that people no longer want to have anything to do with you because of your faith in Christ.

 #6:  Fear Of Not Being Able To Defend Your Faith.

 This is a fear that you won’t be able to answer questions that people have about Christ or even worst if people challenge you with intellectual arguments you won’t know how to answer them.

 The reality is that all of these fear could be actualized by you regularly and intentionally sharing your faith in Jesus Christ.  But should that stop us?  Should we allow our fears control us or should we allow our faith in Christ control us? 

 Listen to this wonderful promise that God has given each of us in 2 Timothy 1:7 (HCSB)

 For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.

HOW TO HAVE A WORRY FREE LIFE – Part 3: By Surrendering Our Attitude To Desire Only God’s Will

“I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize the Lord is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine.  It makes no matter where He places me, or how.  That is rather for Him to consider than for me; for in the easiest positions He must give me His grace, and in the most difficult, His grace is sufficient.” – Hudson Taylor

The previous principle of actualizing a worry free life that I shared was to have faith in Sovereignty of God.  It was designed to help us understand and believe that God is able to do anything, through anybody, including each of us.  If God is truly God then nothing is impossible for Him and all things that He wills can and will be done.  In other words, there’s no force or authority above Him or beside Him.  

God most definitely is in control.  

But trusting and believing that God is in control, when left by itself, does provide insurance that we won’t be filled with worry and anxiety.  As a matter of fact, it is quite possible for a person to be actively doing God’s will and still have no peace about it!  People can be in service to God, doing exactly what He has asked them to do, with full assurance that God will accomplish His task and still be worry and anxious about it!  That sounds crazy, doesn’t it?  But it’s true.

Let me give you an example using the prophet Jonah.  You know the story of Jonah.  Jonah is commanded by God to go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it because their disgusting wickedness had come up to God.  Jonah however, didn’t want to obey God so he ran away and hopped on a boat headed for Tarshish.  While on the ship God sent a hug storm to come up against them and almost sink the ship and everyone on it. 

Jonah then convinced the other men of the ship that the only way to save the ship from God’s wrath was for them to throw him overboard.  While floating around in the water, God caused a whale to come and swallowed him up.  However, this whale swallowing experience wasn’t intended to kill Jonah but for God to get his attention and compliance.  As Jonah was sitting in the belly of the whale, He cried out to God, committed to obeying Him by going to Nineveh, and preach against the city.  Then after being burped up onto shore Jonah did go to Nineveh, he did preach against the city but once the king of Nineveh heard the message, on his own initiative, he got the whole city to repent and beg God for mercy. 

As God heard the sincere cry of repentance from the people of the whole city, He did show mercy on them and pulled back His wrath.  This, however, was not what Jonah wanted to happen.  Jonah didn’t want mercy to be shown them but instead he wanted the judgment of God to fall on them.  Jonah then begins to act like a spoiled little brat and throws a temper tantrum.  Listen to what the Bible records Jonah saying once he realizes that God had shown the people of Nineveh mercy.

“But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry.  He prayed to the Lord, ‘isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home?  That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish.  I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God; slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity.  Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”  Jonah 4:1-3 (NIV)

While there are lots of lesson that we can learn from those first 4 chapters of Jonah, the one I want us to understand and meditate on today is this: 

 Just because you’re doing God’s will doesn’t mean you’ll experience God’s peace and be free from anxiety.  Just because you’re being obedient doesn’t mean you won’t have worry in your life! 

 Why?  Because a Christian who wishes to experience a worry free life not only needs to trust in the Sovereignty of God but they also need to surrender to the will of God in their attitude as well as in their action.  If our attitude is wrong, even when doing what is right, we still won’t have a life filled with peace.

 Jonah went and did what God wanted but he went and did it with a bad attitude.  Even, though his actions were right – his heart was wrong.  Jonah didn’t want the people of Nineveh to be forgiven – he wanted them to be judged and condemned!  Jonah knew, from his understanding of the nature of God that “if” the people of Nineveh repented God would forgive them and because of this understanding of God, Jonah worried that God would forgive them and show them mercy if they repented. 

The worry free life that we all are seeking always will come from both right actions and right attitudes.  Jonah obviously didn’t have the right attitude. Jonah desired something that was contrary to what God wanted and as a result, even though He was obedient, Jonah neither had peace about the assignment or joy about the outcome.

Now with this as the backdrop, let’s once again take a look at part of Hudson Taylor’s quote.  

“I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize the Lord is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine …”

It’s that last part of the sentence I want us to focus on,

“ … and His will is mine …”! 

Hudson Taylor had come to a place in his daily life where he could honestly say that he not only sought to do God’s will but also that it was his sincere hearts desire to see God’s will accomplished, regardless of what it was. 

So here is the third principle for a worry free life.  We can experience a life free of worry by: 

Surrendering Our Attitude To Desire Only God’s Will!

What I mean by that statement is that when we get our hearts to desire that which God desires; that we want what God actually wants; that we have no desires of our own but only to do the will of God then we can be freed from worry. 

Jesus, after talking to the sinful woman at the well described his desire to do the will of God in the following manner,

“Jesus said to them, ‘my food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work.”  John 4:34 (NIV)

In other words, Jesus was so desirous to do the will of His Father that it was being hungry and thirsty.  It was only through complete obedience that Jesus was able to satisfy that desire. 

Think about a time when you were so hungry or thirsty!  How did you feel?  Wasn’t getting something to eat and something to drink an all consuming desire and thought for you?  Of course it was! 


Nothing else will satisfy. Satisfaction only comes when we obey!

There’s an old gospel hymn that perfectly describes this principle of conforming our attitude and desire to match that of Christ’s. 


Wherever He leads I’ll go, 
Wherever He leads I’ll go,
I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so,
Wherever He leads I’ll go.

He drew me closer to His side,
I sought His will to know,
And in that will I now abide,
Wherever He leads I’ll go. 

My heart, my life, my all I bring
To Christ who loves me so;
He is my Master, Lord, and King,

Wherever He leads Ill go.

(Alan Jackson)

 A true worry free life comes when we 1). Abide in God’s will; 2). Surrender our heart, our life and our all to Christ regardless of where He leads us.

 In order to experience the worry free life we must be willing to exchange our will to that of God’s will.