How To Endure Difficult Times So To Accomplish Christ's Mission


When we begin to join Christ on His mission and become intentional about making reproducing disciple makers, we can rest assured that we will run into times of trials and tribulations!  Difficult times is something we can guarantee will happen and is something we will need to learn to deal with.  

In Luke 9:23 we hear Jesus telling people what is expected of anyone who wishes to be one of his disciples, 

"Then he said to them all, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily, and follow me."

According to Jesus there are three things that are essential if someone truly wants to become one of His disciples.

  1. They Must Deny Themselves: A life of a disciple of Christ is a life of self-denial.  To be His disciples means to no longer have your own ambitions, your own goals or your own desires. Instead, your life is for Christ and Him alone.  You surrender your will for the will of Christ and your desire is to accomplish God's will. 

  2. They Must Pick Up Their Cross Daily: The cross in Jesus' day was a painful instrument of death. Joining Christ on His mission quite often will be a very painful experience. Many have suffered greatly and even died for their commitment to Christ and His mission.  
  3. They Must Follow Him: It is Christ who sets the place for our missional assignment - not us! He's the one who tells us where to go - not us telling him where we are willing to go.  Quite often Christ's followers found themselves in the most darkest of places, led their by Christ, for the purpose of sharing with those who live in those troubled areas the Gospel.

The suffering and difficult times we may experience are part of God's will for us and in accomplishing the mission set before us!

Jesus Understood Clearly The Pain Associated With Carrying A Cross

As we all clearly know Jesus knew what it meant to pick up a cross and carry it! It meant to suffer and then die to accomplish the work set before Him. Even Jesus didn't relish the thought of going to the cross and would have preferred a different solution if possible.  In Matthew 26:39 we get the rare opportunity to listen in on a prayer by Jesus to His Heavenly Father.  It was a prayer concerning the cross.  Listen to what Jesus asks:

"Going a little farther, He felled with His face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will but as you will."

Jesus didn't like the idea of going to the cross. He understood clearly the pain and suffering that was going to come with it. He referenced it as a "cup". This was an Old Testament imagery that was a reference to the Cup of "God's Wrath" being poured out as judgement.  Jesus understood that going to the cross meant that he would be experiencing the full unbridled wrath of His Father.  This was not a pleasant thought at all. 

There's no written record of the Father's answer but we do know what it was by the actions of Jesus and His resolve to go to the cross and die.  The Father's answer was simple,

"Son, you must go to the cross if people's sins are to be forgiven."

And out of love for us Jesus endured the cross.

Just like Jesus was to take up His cross, Jesus tells us that we are to pickup our cross daily and follow him.  He is telling us that on a day by day basis we are to have a heart willing to suffer and possibly die in order to join Him on his mission of redeeming the world.  We must be willing to deny our self interests and desires in order that others, still lost in sin, can hear the Good News and be saved. We must be willing to die, if need be, so others can be born again. 

But how do you do that? How do we endure the pain and suffering that comes with being on mission with Christ so others can be saved?  Again, we find our answer in the example of Jesus.

Jesus Refocused & Looked Past The Suffering.

In Hebrews 12:2 we find our answer through Jesus' example.

" ... For the joy set before Him he endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the Thrown of God."

How did Jesus endure the cross? Not by focusing on the cross but look past it and focusing on the joy that would come after the cross. 

  1. The joy of knowing that everything that needed to be done for the salvation of men had been accomplished. 
  2. The joy that He was obedient to His father even to the point of death on a cross. 
  3. The joy of all those men, women, boys and girls dressed in white robes standing around the Thrown of God singing Holy, Holy, Holy.  Jesus was focusing on the End-vision. 

That's how we endure daily picking up our cross with all the pain associated with it!  We focus, not on the trial or tribulation but on all those who will receive Jesus by faith because of our faithfulness; by focusing on hearing Jesus words spoken to us, "Well done good and faithful servant"; by focusing on the "JOY" that will come when Christ returns and finds us faithful to the call. 


A Powerful Missional Life Is All About Pressing On With God's Mission

In Philippians 3:13-15 we read hear the Apostle Paul admonishing us to press on, never give up, never stop but strain and push your way to the finish line.  Read for yourself how Paul puts it:

"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  All of us who are mature should take such a view of things ...."

When it comes to living a powerful missional life that brightly shines the Light of Christ this should be our marching verse!  KEEP ON PRESSING ON!  Being on mission with Christ is not like a sprint race but more like a marathon race.  To finish the part of God's mission He has given to us to do will take years, along with lots of pain, sorrow and heart ache.  The temptation to quit will at times will be almost hard to overcome if we are not mentally and spiritually prepared to go the distance. 

This video is the first of 3 messages I brought for Agape Baptist Church in Tucson, AZ during their 3 day retreat with the theme of PRESSING ON!  I share it with you because this is a Word from our Lord not just for a few but for all of us who confess Jesus as Lord and have committed ourselves to follow Him.  As you watch it be encouraged but also be challenged for the work that our Lord has called us to is the greatest work in all of creation.  Don't allow the temporal things of this world blind you or fool you to think that the work that Christ has called us to is of little significance!  For it's not!  THE WORK WE DO IS THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK YOU WILL EVER UNDERTAKE!  I pray that Christ will speak to you!

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A Biblical Story On Joining Christ On His Mission

In Acts 8:26-40 we have an amazing story about an ordinary christian by the name of Philip who was used by God in an amazing way.  From it we learn some powerful principles for shining the Light of Christ brightly in our part of this dark world. Watch and see what you might learn.

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A Biblical Case Study For Using Civil Disobedience As A Missional Living Strategy

Does the Bible give us an example for using civil disobedience as a way to bring glory to God and live a powerful missional life?  If so, does the Bible shed light on "When" and "How" to use it properly?

Watch this video as I share a true story from the Bible and whats answers we can glean from it for these questions.

Biblical Case Study For Civil Disobedience In Missional Living

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2 Important Things To Do To Make Disciples For Jesus

Let's take a look at two important things that Jesus did to call out his first disciples.  Then let's begin to join Christ on His mission by calling others to become disciples for Jesus also.  

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1 Powerful Way To Join God On A Missional Living Movement

Do you want to be part of a powerful movement of God that allows the Light of Christ to shine brightly in this dark world?  Then check out this video and learn about one thing that Jesus commanded His disciples to do that would create a powerful movement of God!

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Watch this video and get some great suggestions on how to engage in spiritual warfare while you are on mission with Christ!

5 Steps Jesus Used To Restore A Backslidden Christian

John 21:1-23

This story starts off after Jesus has been arrested, after he has been killed, after he has been resurrected but before He has ascended into Heaven.  It is the story of how Jesus restored the Apostle Peter back to the ministry after he had failed Jesus at His crucifixion by denying Him three times.  Peter is discouraged and beating himself up for his failure.  In this post we are going to look at the 5 steps Jesus took to restore him, so he could become that powerful servant of God we all love and respect.  

You will need to get your Bible out and read what it says to see how it applies to the points I am making.  I pray that God will bless you as you read this and encourage you. Maybe you are one who who needs to be restored.  Here's some good news for you! Jesus is ready, willing and able to restore you just like He did for Peter and countless others.  So, read and be encouraged!

This story starts off with Peter telling some of other apostles that he was going to go back to fishing.  This is important because Peter had left this profession to follow Christ just about 3 years earlier. For him to make this declaration "I'm going fishing" he was in essence saying, "I am going back to my old life before we met Christ."  

That is the attitude of a backslidden Christian!  They've given up on follow Christ and going back to live the way the used to live before knowing Christ.  But also, in this story we see that Jesus has other plans. He doesn't allow Peter to just goes back to his old life but Jesus shows up to restore him to full service and commitment.  

STEP 1:  Jesus Pursued Peter!

In verses 4-7 we see Jesus showing up on the shore where Peter and the others were fishing that night. He calls out to them and tells them to throw the net on the other side. When they did their nets were filled fish. This caused them to remember another time when Jesus said to do the same thing with the same kinds of results. And because of this they recognized that it was Jesus was on the shore.

Why did Jesus come to where Peter was at?  Because Peter was floundering and felt unworthy to continue to be a servant of Christ.  Jesus showed up to restore him and give him the confidence he need.  NOTICE IT WAS JESUS WHO PURSUED PETER - NOT PETER PURSUING JESUS!

STEP 2: Jesus Fellowships With Peter

In verses 10-14, after Peter responding favorably with Jesus' pursuit we see Jesus inviting Peter and the others with him, to sit down and have a meal with him.  How many times had Peter sat around the fire eating a meal with Jesus over the past three years?  A ton for sure! Because of his failure he probably thought those opportunities would never happen again but now Jesus is inviting Peter to sit and eat with Him.  How precious and encouraging that must have been for Peter.

I think one of the important things to realize in being restored to Christ is that Jesus isn't wanting to beat you up first! No, Jesus is wanting the wonderful relationship that had be originally established to be restored.  Jesus wants to sit and eat a meal with us as much, if not more, than we do with him.

STEP 3:  Jesus Questions Peter Love

As they finish their meal together, in verses 15-17, we see Jesus ask Peter three times if he love him or not and each time Jesus follows Peter answer with a command to take care of His sheep.  Jesus already knew Peter loved him. It wasn't for his benefit that Jesus asked that question but it was for Peter's benefit. Peter needed to be reminded of his love for the Lord and to be reassure that Christ still wanted him to be part of his band of apostles.  The questions of love and the commands to take care of the sheep was Christ's powerful way of letting Peter know that his service and ministry was wanted and needed. The only requirement Jesus asked from Peter was for Peter's love and devotion.

STEP 4:  Jesus Gives Peter A Glimpse Of The Cost For Following Christ.

In verses 18-19 Jesus shares with Peter what it will cost him for continuing to be a devoted follower of Christ.  He lets him know that his commitment and service would lead him to his own death and a death by crucifixion. 

Isn't interesting how open and clear Jesus is with his followers of what it means and cost to be his disciple. IT WILL COST YOU YOUR LIFE!   Even though, out of fear, Peter denied Christ, Jesus was letting him know that there would be other times to come where Peter would need to gird up his fear and place his faith and trust in Him. Jesus was preparing Peter for what would evidentially come around again.  

STEP 5: Jesus Warned Peter Against Comparing Himself To Others. 

In verses 20-23 Peter begins to ask what would happen to a different disciple.  Jesus' response is classic. "What's that to you?"  In other words Jesus was telling Peter what happens to other disciples is none of His business. The only thing that should be important for Peter was to faithfully live out what God has determined to be his role.  

To often, faithfully serving Christ, gets all muddled up because our focus is on other people and not on Christ and his will for our lives.  We complain to God about this person having this blessing, or that person getting to serve Christ in that way.  That kind of focus will never honor God.  Instead, we should be saying to Christ as he reveals his mission for us to be these words,

"Yes Lord, yes to you will and to your way. Yes, Lord, yes I will trust you and obey. When your Spirit speaks to me, with my whole heart I'll agree. And my answer will be, 'yes Lord, yes."

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John The Baptist: The Prototype For Missional Living

When it comes to missional living there is one of the Biblical figure that pop up as a great example for how to do it is John the Baptist! Today, I want us to look at John the Baptist and how he went out to "Make the path straight for the coming of the Lord."  What did he do? And how did he do it?

Take a few moments and watch this devotional, think about it and then share your thoughts as comments below.

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Missional Living Is Having A Faith In God That Encourages Others!

Through an event in the life of Paul we are going to learn that part of a powerful Missional Life is having the kind of faith in God that can encourage others! When people look at us, hear us speak and listen to what we say about Jesus Christ do they find encouragement?

Remember your faith in Christ might be the only source of faith for someone else!

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Also, take a few moments and share a time when someone else's faith was the encouragement you needed.  Share as a comment below!

How A Stop At The Waffle House Turned Into A Missional Living Experience!

Here's a true story from my friend Clint Harrill about an experience he had while in Nashville visiting some friends and intentionally living a missional life that shares Jesus with others. Clint is just an ordinary Christian like you and me but God is using him powerfully to share the Gospel and make more disciples for Christ.  Clint is a wonderful example of what God can and will do through anyone who is willing to join Him on his mission.  This is a story of what God can do through you if you would allow him to!  READ HIS STORY AND BE ENCOURAGED!

"Got back home to good ole small town friendly today and haven't stopped!!! A day in the thankful for my time in Nashville with some dear bros in Christ!! God blessed in so many ways and even in the spiritual warfare we faced, I felt excitement and learned so much. My #1 takeaway was that, the great commission is the Holy Spirit's work, and He's just asking us to join Him where He's already working. If we do that, it will bear much fruit. Secondly, when God is up to something big, spiritual warfare will raise it's ugly head, but praise God because God is bigger....we win....Greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world.....we can claim that and have faith and just persevere through the trials. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers when you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
So rejoice and just lift up the name of Jesus when these trials come, and He will see you through.
So my last night in Nashville, we just had a bro night around a fire pit with some stogies and just rejoicing in the bros, David Kaufmann, James Harvey, Samuel, Paul Kirk, Josh and Tracie Lansford, Alvin Jackson and Todd Greer, prayed blessings over me and it was just a great time in the Lord. Afterwards james, samuel, paul and myself headed to the waffle house. Our waitress was Hannah....we asked if she knew what her name meant, she said no, so we explained that it meant God's favor.....she thought that was really cool and said I hope so. We ordered, and Hannah was super friendly. She brought our food and I told her....Hannah, we're gonna bless our food so I'd love to ask u, if God could do a miracle in ur life today, something only God could do, what would that be and we'd just love to pray that for u as we bless our food. She said, I don't know....I said, anything. ....she began to get teary eyed and said I want to get my son back....I said ok, can I pray that now....and she said sure.....we prayed and she was super thankful. We continued chatting with her during our time there and she told us her story and how it was her first night back working at the waffle house and she didn't really want to but she has said, ok if this is what I have to do, there must be some she'd been struggling, her story was very sad....she's been hurt by "Christians", but was really trying to get her life on track....she was so amazed that we prayed for her, and said, yall don't even know me....but we just told her we cared about her because we love Jesus and that's what we do....we promised to pray for her and her son Camden....told her the story of Hannah from the bible, which she was familiar with...she told us what a blessing we were to her, told us when she worked and said, yall please come back every week.....WOW.....divine appointment? Uh, yea, I think so....James asked me to pray as he plans to ask the manager of the waffle house, if he can start a waffle "house church".....want u join us in prayer....a lot of hurting people at the waffle house and's our God given purpose just to show them Jesus...."
So what do you say? Are you ready to join Christ on His mission? Are you willing to allow God to use you to bring salvation to others?  Are you ready to start getting training that will equip you to do so?  If the answer is "YES" then leave a comment that says:


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When we begin to live an intentional life on mission with Christ we will begin to experience some circumstances that will literally blow our minds!  As we encounter those circumstances, impossible circumstances, questions will begin to fill our minds! Questions like:

  • How will Christ ever be glorified through this?
  • What is God trying to do? This doesn't make sense?
  • What am I suppose to do in this situation?

We are going to look at just one little statement Jesus made to a woman while he was out on mission. In that statement holds the key to answer this important question!  Take a few moments and watch it NOW!