One World Event That Definitely Wasn't An April Fools Joke!


Did you know that this year, 2018, the world will be celebrating both April Fools Day and The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (Easter)!  That's right they both fall on the same day this year.

The irony of these two events falling on the same date cannot be overstated! On the one hand you have a world that says death cannot be cheated, cannot be avoided and is final. While on the other hand you have the Christians Biblical belief that Jesus Christ did die on the cross, was buried in a tomb and on the third day came back to life again.  April 1, 2018 is a date where these two completely world views will collide and are in total opposition to each other.  

One world view says that to be raised from the dead, after being dead for three days, is totally impossible, while the other says it is not only possible but actually did happen and has tremendous ramifications for all the rest of us who have ever been born throughout world history. 

The world believes it is totally impossible because that's all the world has ever known.  Every single person who has ever lived has died and every single person who has died for 3 days or longer has stayed dead, accept for those crazy claims of the Bible of Jesus and those he supposedly raised from the dead.  All of life's experiences demands, for those in the world, that the claims of Christ's resurrection is a fairy tale and cannot be trusted.  They believe that Christians hold to a "Blind Faith" which is unreason or irrational.

But for those of us who are Followers of Christ and do believe in Christ's Resurrection from the dead our faith is far from that "Blind Faith"!  No! Instead, it is a faith based upon "Evidence Beyond Reasonable Doubt".  

Yes, the belief in Jesus death, burial and resurrection is based upon eye witness evidence that's reasonable.  There are people, who lived during the time of Christ's resurrection, who have claim and gone on record to have seen Jesus after his crucification alive and well.   They made it very clear their experience wasn't some kind of hallucination. They claimed to have walked with him, talked him, ate with him and touched him.  They claimed it to be a life altering experience that took them from fear, including the fear of death, to a life filled with boldness regardless of the life circumstance that was confronting them.

Who were these eye witness? The Bible clearly shares the identity of those eye witnesses.  They weren't trying to stay in the shadows.  They were open and upfront for everyone to hear.  1 Corinthians 15:3-8 reveals who they are:

"3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, [b]and then to the Twelve. 6 After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, 8 and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born."

Who were these eye witnesses? 

First, there is the 500 who saw him!  He doesn't specifically list their names because there are just to many to list.  But he does say that most were still alive to the very date of the writing.  Why indicate that most were still alive? Because, Paul was challenging them to go to Palestine and check it out for themselves. They could go around and ask if anyone had seen Christ resurrected and the chances were that they'd still find many who would say, "I did"!  

But among those 500 we know that they would have included the women who gone to the tomb and found it empty and then saw Jesus alive.  In Luke 24:10 we read,

"Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles, .."

Here we see 3 specific names of women identified who saw the resurrection of Christ. They were Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James but there were also other women there as well.

Second, Jesus showed himself to the apostles and James, Jesus' half brother.  Many in the world believe that the Apostle would have lied about Jesus resurrection.  They believe that the apostles knew that Jesus was dead but wanted to keep the movement alive and therefore fabricated the story of His resurrection.  

But is that really logical.  Would someone really lie about something they knew to be a lie?  Yes, if they had something to gain like: power, prestige or money.  But the apostle got none of those things. As a matter of fact they lived like poor people and eventually were beaten and killed for their testimony of seeing Jesus alive.  They gained nothing if it was a lie.  

Surely at least one of them upon the sentence of death would have recanted their testimony if it had been a lie!  But not one ever recanted or changed their story but instead every apostle lived and died in the most horrible way because of their refusal to recant their story. They were to die for their testimony of Christ's resurrection.  Why would anybody do that unless they knew it to be the truth!

Next, there was the eye witness account of the Apostle Paul.  Paul wasn't part of the original apostles as a matter of fact he was a Christian hater who wanted nothing more than to arrest and kill all who claimed to be a Follower of Christ and testified of His resurrection.  For awhile there, that was his total life's mission.

But something happened that changed Paul!  He went from being a Christian hater and killer to the greatest Christian missionary ever!  He ended up with a new life's mission! Instead of putting Christians into prison, he made it his life's ambition to make as many people Christians as possible by believing in Christ's death, burial and resurrection.

What made the change? How did Paul go from being a Christian hater to a Christian maker?  Paul's very own testimony gives us the answer. We find Paul's answer in Acts 26 where he states clearly why he is now a follower of Christ. He says it is because while on the road to Damascus that Jesus appeared to him and spoke to him.  It was the resurrected Jesus speaking to him that changed him. That was his life changing experience.

Now as I contemplate these eye witnesses I am forced to evaluate how credible they are about what they confess.  And I have come to the following conclusion!  They are ALL extremely reliable!  Why:

  1. Because the original apostles gained nothing in this world and lost everything including their lives for their testimony that they saw the resurrected Christ.  It is unreasonable to believe that someone would maintain a lie when all they got was pain, suffering and death.  It is even more harder to believe all the apostle would maintain that lie under such circumstances. And yet, that's exactly what happened: every single one of them maintained their testimony and never recanted.  They all died for their testimony for seeing Christ resurrected.  That makes them very compelling and credible witnesses.
  2. Because Paul himself said that his life change was a direct result of his encounter with the resurrected Christ. He stopped being a Christian hater and killer to become a Christian maker because he encounter the living Christ.  THAT'S WHAT PAUL SAID!  This changed of heart only brought pain and suffering and eventually was beheaded for his testimony of seeing the resurrected Christ.  He gained nothing from this change in life but lost everything he was working for because of it.  This makes Paul one of the greatest and most credible eye witnesses.
  3. The sheer number of eye witnesses, over 500, make the resurrection of Christ irrefutable.

Yes, this Sunday, April 1st, 2018 is both the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ (Easter) and April Fools Day.  But don't be the fool by believing that Jesus is still dead.  He's not! He's Alive!  And by placing your faith in the resurrect Jesus you can be saved from your sins and receive the gift of eternal life.  Will you do it today?

A Powerful Missional Life Is All About Pressing On With God's Mission

In Philippians 3:13-15 we read hear the Apostle Paul admonishing us to press on, never give up, never stop but strain and push your way to the finish line.  Read for yourself how Paul puts it:

"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  All of us who are mature should take such a view of things ...."

When it comes to living a powerful missional life that brightly shines the Light of Christ this should be our marching verse!  KEEP ON PRESSING ON!  Being on mission with Christ is not like a sprint race but more like a marathon race.  To finish the part of God's mission He has given to us to do will take years, along with lots of pain, sorrow and heart ache.  The temptation to quit will at times will be almost hard to overcome if we are not mentally and spiritually prepared to go the distance. 

This video is the first of 3 messages I brought for Agape Baptist Church in Tucson, AZ during their 3 day retreat with the theme of PRESSING ON!  I share it with you because this is a Word from our Lord not just for a few but for all of us who confess Jesus as Lord and have committed ourselves to follow Him.  As you watch it be encouraged but also be challenged for the work that our Lord has called us to is the greatest work in all of creation.  Don't allow the temporal things of this world blind you or fool you to think that the work that Christ has called us to is of little significance!  For it's not!  THE WORK WE DO IS THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK YOU WILL EVER UNDERTAKE!  I pray that Christ will speak to you!

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4 Places That Define Your Mission Field

Do you know what they are?  No! Then watch this training and start working in the fields God has assigned you!

Do you know what they are?  No! Then watch this training and start working in the fields God has assigned you!

In todays training we are going to look at the 4 places that define your mission field.  This is going to answer the question "Who Am I Responsible For In Sharing The Gospel?"  By answer this question you will know where to begin to share the Gospel of Christ and where to begin in making disciples for Christ.

If you have found this training to be helpful please share this post with you Christian family and friends on Facebook and Twitter!  

Please leave a comment and share with us what you think!

Gaining Wisdom For Missional Living

Powerful and effective Missional Living requires the wisdom!  Where does that wisdom come from?  Watch this short video and encouraged to be wise in sharing Jesus with others, making reproducing disciples makers and on shining the Light of Christ brightly in your part of this dark world!  

Please Share This Post With Your Christian Friends On Facebook & Twitter To Encourage Them To Live A Powerful Missional Life!

3 Daily Activities For Powerful Missional Living

Here are three things you can do every single day to help you join God on His mission and live a powerful missional life.  

If you have found this blog to be of benefit please share it on Facebook & Twitter!  Also, leave a comment and let's get a discussion going!  

The Portrait Of A Person With Great Faith

"Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.  A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, 'Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.'  Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, 'Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.'  He answered,  'I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.' The woman came and knelt before him. 'Lord, help me!' she said.  He replied, 'It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.' 'Yes it is, Lord,' she said. 'Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.' Then Jesus said to her, 'Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.' And her daughter was healed at that moment."  Matthew 15: 21-28 (NIV)

Everyday Christian living requires Followers of Christ to have faith but to living a powerful missional life that brightly shines the Light of Christ in your part of this dark world will require GREAT FAITH! We all know this but what does great faith look like in the lives of real ordinary Christians.  Is it even possible to be a average - ordinary Christian and have GREAT FAITH?  

Today, we are going to look at the life of one woman - an average woman - whom Jesus described as a woman of great faith.  We are going to examine her, look at what she did and how she did it that would lead Jesus to ascribe to her as a woman of great faith.  This woman is the portrait of what a person of great faith looks like.

I.  3 Obstacles This Woman's Faith Had To Overcome

#1:  Jesus Wouldn't Respond Back To Her

Did you notice in that story as the woman is crying out and begging Jesus to heal her daughter that Jesus literally ignored her?  Jesus was unwilling to stop and even have a conversation with the woman. He just kept on walking.

#2:  The Disciples Rejected Her

Then the disciples are getting annoyed by the woman's persistence asked Jesus to send her away because she was unwilling to leave them alone and kept on asking for Jesus to heal her daughter. There's no hint of compassion or care from any of the disciples! They just wanted Jesus to send her away.

#3:  She Wasn't Part Of The Targeted Group

Finally when Jesus was willing to start talking to her he told her that he wouldn't help her because she belonged to the wrong group of people.  He basically told her that He wouldn't help her because she didn't belong to the right "Target Group".  She had 3 strikes against her: She wasn't Jewish, he was a Gentile and she was a woman. 

II.  5 Characteristics Of Great Faith

So, what was it that stood out about this woman to Jesus that allowed him to ascribe to her as being a woman of great faith?  What did Jesus see or what stood out to him?

1.  Her Concern About Another

This woman wasn't crying out for help for herself! She was begging Jesus to help her daughter.  This woman had so much concern and care about her daughter that she was willing to risk the ridicule and rejection that she knew would probably come because of her being a Gentile woman asking help from a Jewish man.  But she was willing to endure the ridicule and shame because of the concern for her daughter.

Does our faith propel us to risk being made fun of or being endangered all because we care and are concerned about another?  Does your faith push you to take risks in order to help another?

2. Her Persistence

Did you notice that even though Jesus ignored her and his disciples rejected her she didn't give up and she stayed persistent in crying out over and over again to Jesus for help.  Can you picture the scene?  Envision Jesus walking down the road with his disciples and here is this woman following you, not going away or giving up, but keeps on crying out for Jesus to help her daughter. It probably wasn't a quite crying out but a loud one that was gaining the attention of everyone around.

3.  Her Respectfulness

Did you notice in verse 25 that the woman even knelt before Jesus in complete submission to him and his authority.  The woman in all her crying out wasn't rude at all.  This woman showed tremendous about of respect and submission to Jesus in her request for help.

4.  Her Passion

And then after she knelt down before Jesus she begs him once again passionately, "Lord, help me."  You could probably see her heart full of passion to get help for her daughter written all over her face and in her eyes.  Her face was probably drenched with tears and her eyes bloodshot from all the crying. 

5.  Her Humility

And then after Jesus basically calls this woman a "dog" when he explained to her that the reason why he could not help her was because it was not proper for the food that belongs to the children to be given to the dogs that this woman, through her faith, demonstrated true humility as she once again made her plea of faith.  Listen to the words of this woman,

"Yes it is, Lord,' she said. 'Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table."

This woman's response back to Jesus was simple this: "I am not asking you to give me anything that belongs to the children; I'm just asking for the scraps that fall onto the floor from the masters table".  In other words she was saying, "I maybe a dog but I'm at least entitled to eat the food that hits the floor."

This woman had so much faith in Christ that she knew that even the scraps that fall from his table is enough to heal her daughter. 

III.  Jesus' Evaluation Of The Woman

When Jesus say those things that expressed her faith He was absolutely blown away! He stopped, he looked her straight into her face and say, "You have great faith and your request is granted."  

This was an ordinary woman with nothing going in her favor except that she knew Jesus could heal her daughter if he just gave the word for it to happen and her faith wouldn't allow her to stop asking, crying out and begging Jesus with all humility.  

This could be you and me! You don't have to be born in a family with great wealth - you don't keep to graduate from some fancy school - you may have even been born on the wrong side of the tracks. None of that matters.  The only thing that matters is you FAITH IN CHRIST. 

The #1 Problem To Fulfilling Great Commission?

Today we are going to look at what's been the problem to fulfilling Great Commission!  

What's been holding us back?  Could it be:

  1. Money?
  2. Time?
  3. Persecution?

Watch this video to find out Jesus' answer and His solution!

Now that you know what the problem is what will you do about it? How will you respond? Decision is yours!

What Kind Of Christian Are You?

When it comes to powerful missional living the integrity of the Follower of Christ is everything. Depending on what kind of Christian they are will determine the power and success of their missional ventures.

In today Missional Living Devotional you will get a chance to evaluate and answer that question for yourself.  We will be looking at a true story from the word of God to gain the understanding of what I mean when I ask the question, "What Kind Of Christian Are You?"  Take a few minutes and watches this devotional and then make plans on how you will go and shine the Light of Christ in your part of this dark world.