
Now that we know how chapter seven of Romans ended, which reveals the most powerful dilemma that all Christians have to face, we can now move onto chapter eight which gives us God’s way to deal with that dilemma once and for all.

But before we do that we should remind ourselves exactly what hat dilemma is. It’s the dilemma of wanting to live for Christ but unable to do so because of the power of sin still has control over us. We want to do what God wants but we find ourselves doing sinful things. We hate the sinful things that we do but still we are attracted to it and fall prey to their temptation.

But chapter eight is all about good news, hope and faith that God is not only able to deliver us but has already established the way to that victory over sin.

And in doing so Romans 8 starts off with one major liberating declaration. Let’s read for ourselves what that liberating declaration is.

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1

I love the way the Apostle Paul put it, “… now no condemnation…”. The truth is that we all live in the here and now but before we can get to the “NOW” we first had to go through the “BEFORE”.

The life we now have in Christ does not consist of any condemnation from God. For God’s people we now live a condemnation free life. But the life we had before was filled with God’s condemnation. All of us, right down to last one of us, was a condemned sinner to hell.

But we really need understand how condemned we truly were? By developing a thorough understanding of the depths of our former condemnation we will gain a greater appreciation for the amazing declaration we now have of:



Level 1: We are condemned because we are part of Adam’s seed.

“So then, as through one trespass there is condemnation for everyone, so also through one righteious act there is justification leading to life for everyone. For just as through one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so also through the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.” Romans 5:18,19

We are condemned because the human race (Adam’s seed) has been condemned. Adam and Eve is the beginning point of the entire human race and through Adam’s sin everyone is condemned.

Now I know what some of you are thinking! You’re thinking, “That Doesn’t Sound Fair”. You’re thinking that it isn’t fair that you should suffer because of something your relative did way back before you were ever born. Now that would be a great subject to study but not now because there isn’t enough time. But for now let me say that our condemnation isn’t just because Adam was our relative. We are also condemned:

Level 2: Because we too are sinners.

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

To an even greater degree condemnation has come to all of us because each of us joined in on the sinning. I can’t blame my parents, my siblings or my friends. I am a sinner because I chose to sin. I chose to hate, I chose to lie, I chose to lust. These are my sins and no one else is to blame for them.

But then there’s a third level of condemnation that only some will experience. But it is a condemnation that is of an even greater intensity than either level one or level two combined. But is that level?

Level 3: Because you have rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Anyone who believes in him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.” John 3:17-18

Here’s the point to get from this passage. Those people who have had the privilege of hearing the wonderful and amazing gospel message and rejected are also condemned. However, in the book of Hebrews there is some indication that their condemnation might be more severe than others who have never heard the gospel.

Here’s the truth about your life before you knew Jesus as your Lord and savior:


But now that you know Jesus God the Father has a new pronouncement:


God is no longer condemning you and he is not even look for a reason to condemn you. In the eyes of the Heavenly Court with God the Father as the Righteous Judge you have been declared free!


Before you came to Christ you were sinking and drowning in a sea of sin and you were helpless and hopeless to do anything about it. You had been condemned to hell and you were just waiting for the Last Day, the Day of Judgement when that sentence of condemnation would be executed. But then something amazing happened. God the Father stood up in the Heavenly courtroom and declared:


The Why? and How? We will learn as we go through this chapter. But for now just marvel in amazement that God has declared you no longer condemned.

Click Here To Check Out Part 1 Of This Blog Series:

God's Evaluation Of The Message Of Health & Wealth False Teachers

Photo by 金 运 on Unsplash

Photo by 金 运 on Unsplash

There is a teaching that has found its way into the church ever since the times of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul in writing to Timothy warned him against these preachers and a particular kind of teaching that was false but still was found very appealing to so many. Sadly, these same kind of teachers exists in our churches today and their false teaching is still attractive to many who are in our churches.

Listen to what the Bible says,

“If anyone teaches false doctrine and does not agree with the sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the teaching that promotes godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interests in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slander, evil suspicions, and constant disagreement among people who’s minds are depraved and deprived fo the truth, who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain.” 1 Timothy 6:3-5 (CSB)

In this passage there are many descriptions of the kind of teaching that makes these preachers classified as a false teacher. Some of those descriptions are not being in agreement with the teaching of Jesus, doesn’t and doesn’t promote godliness. But there’s one particular teaching that is specifically identified and needs to be carefully considered. Why? Because it is destructive and still very much at play in the church of North America.

What is it? Simply this:

That Godliness Is A Way To Material Gain!

It is a teaching that says:

  • if you act in a godly way God will reward you with wealth.

  • That it is God’s will for all His people to be wealthy.

  • If you don’t have wealth it is because you don’t have enough faith.

The Apostle Paul is very clear about this kind of teaching. Paul says it is false and comes from false teachers. He describes these teachers as being:

  1. Conceited: They think more highly of themselves than they ought to.

  2. Understands nothing: They not only lack truth but they lack the ability to discern truth.

  3. Having unhealthy interests in disputes: They love conspiracy theories.

  4. Argue over words. They like to take words and ascribe different definitions to them!

These Teachers Are The Source Of All Kinds Of Problems. Problems Like:

  • Envy: These kind of teachers and the message they give lends itself to becoming envious of others and what they have.

  • Quarrels: Literally fights. Fights breakout because of them and their message.

  • Slander: They build themselves up by tearing other people down.

  • Evil Suspicions: Always suspicious of people feeling that everyone is trying to take what they got.

  • Disagreements with people: This evil suspicion doesn’t lend itself to living in harmony or agreement with others but instead causes arguments.

Two Basic Descriptions About These Teachers:

  • The Are Depraved: Literally means the corruption of ones morals. The moral fiber of these teachers is corrupted and falling a part. They are morally bankrupt. They have no Godly values that guide them.

  • They Are Deprived Of The Truth: To be deprived is to be severely denied something of importance. It is very much like that of neglecting a child of love, or clothing or food. It is a serious neglect. But in this case these teachers are deprived of what really is truth. There teaching holds no truth.

The Apostle Paul warns us to stay clear of these kinds of teachers. We are not to entertain their teaching. Ther motives are for their own person material gain. You’ll often hear them teach you that if you give to their ministry then God will reward your sacrifice with giving you a hundred fold return. In other words they are trying to tell you that if you give to them financially then God will make you rich.

The only we read of Jesus telling people to sell all that they have and give it away was to a rich young ruler found in Mark 10:17-27. But there’s a big difference from what Jesus did and what these health and wealth teachers teach! They teach for you to give them money. But Jesus taught that we should give what we have to the poor. You see Jesus doesn’t want our money and He doesn’t need our money. What does Jesus want:


DON'T CHOOSE DOOR #1: A Biblical Life Goal To Pursue: Part 1


When I was a child growing up one of our families favorite T.V. programs was the game show, LET’S MAKE A DEAL. I always enjoyed watching it because of the thrill of watch people possibly winning something really amazing. You know what I mean. Right? The thrill of the win or the agony of the loss. I would always imagine myself as the big winner.

But wouldn’t it have been nice if you had some special knowledge in advance of what was behind Door #1, or Door #2 or even Door #3? If you did have that knowledge do you think it would have influenced what choice you would have made?

Of course it would!

In this post we are starting a series that deals with options, consequences and admonitions about the kind of life goal you should establish that will guide your pursuit in life. Whether we know it or not we all have goals that guide how we live life and the kind of choices we make as we go through life. Our expectations is that these goals will help bring joy, fulfillment, excitement and happiness during our travels here in this world.

However, establishing bad goals can hinder the experience of that joy, excitement, fulfillment and happiness that we so desperately want in our lives. Making wise choices about our goal is going to be absolutely essential.

However, gratefully God, in the Bible, has told us what our options are when it comes to establishing a goal for life and even better news is that there aren’t 10 to 15 different choices! In actuality there are only 2 choices. One choice is good and the other choice is not good at all. So, in reality for those of us who are fully devoted followers of Christ there is only one life goal that is to be our choice.

Our series of posts will be taken from 1 Timothy 6:3-10 and today’s post is entitled:


Remember there are only two choices but this first choice is not the right choice. This first choice is the choice to avoid at all cost. It is the choice that will rob you instead of give you. It’s the one that will harm you instead of benefitting you. So, what’s that option? It’s the option that this world offers to you.

So, what exactly is in door #1? What is it that we should not make our life’s goal? To help us find out let us take a look at 1 Timothy 3: 3-5 and most specifically verse 5. It says:

“If anyone teaches false doctrine and does not agree with the sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and with with the teaching that promotes godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slander, evil suspicions, and constant disagreement among people whose minds are depraved and deprived of the truth., who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain.” (CSB)

What is the life goal to avoid?

The Pursuit Of Material Gain!

The pursuit of material gain as a life’s goal is one of the false teachings that was and still is part of the church and especially trying to use godly living as a means to getting rich. In verse 10 the Apostle Paul refers to people who make the amassing of material wealth their life goal as people who “Love Money”. Take a look at what it says,

“For the love of money is a root to all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10 (CSB)

The reason why the pursuit of worldly riches or the love of money is a life goal to avoid is simply because it’s a heart issue. It’s a matter of what you “LOVE” the most.

In Luke 16:13-15 Jesus is teaching the people that it is impossible to serve two masters. You will either love the one and hate the other or visa versa. And then Jesus coined a quote that we still use today. It is:

“You cannot serve both God and money” Jesus Christ

Jesus said you cannot serve both God and money! He didn’t say:

  • “You can’t serve fully both God and money.”

  • or “It’s hard to serve both God and money”.

  • No! Jesus flat out stated emphatically stated that it is:


Why? Because the issue at play is all about the heart or it is all about what you love. God refuses to compete or share with anyone or anything concerning the love that is due Him as God Almighty.

Let me hammer the point in by asking you a question: What is the greatest commandment? That was a question Jesus asked some of the religious leaders of his day. It’s a good question that we should ask ourselves from time to time and the answer is something we should remind ourselves daily. What is it? According to the Bible it is:

“To Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart, Mind, Soul And Strength”

The truth of the matter is that God wants our full and complete love! And God is unwilling to share it with anyone or anything. And one of the biggest competitors to robbing God of the love that is due Him is the love for money. Money is enticing and money is deceiving, People try to justify their love for money to make it sound acceptable or at least understandable.

But according to the Bible the love of money or the amassing of material gain is absolutely not the life goal for anyone who calls themselves a Follower of Christ.

Door #1 Is Not The Door To Choose!

Challenging Quotes For Joining Christ On His Mission (Part 2)


These quotes are from the God motivated Evangelist George Muller. May they serves to encourage, challenge and maybe even provoke you to living a life fully devoted to our Lord Jesus Christ. George Muller was such a man!

“George Müller (born Johann Georg Ferdinand Müller, 27 September 1805 – 10 March 1898) was a Christian evangelist and the director of the Ashley Down orphanage in BristolEngland. He was one of the founders of the Plymouth Brethren movement. Later during the split his group was labelled as the Open Brethren.

He cared for 10,024 orphans during his lifetime,[1][2] and provided educational opportunities for the orphans to the point that he was even accused by some of raising the poor above their natural station in British life. He established 117 schools which offered Christian education to more than 120,000.” Wikipedia

  1. A servant of God has but one Master. It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised.”

  2. “Trials, obstacles, difficulties and sometimes defeats, are the very food of faith.”

  3. “There is an intimate connection between the life of the Christian here and the enjoyment and the glory in the day of Christ's appearing.”

  4. “Often the work of the Lord itself may be a temptation to keep us from that communion with Him which is so essential to the benefit of our own souls”

  5. “Where faith begins, anxiety ends; where anxiety begins, faith end.”

  6. “The greater the trial, the sweeter the victory.”

  7. “Laying up treasures in heaven will draw the heart heavenward.”

  8. “God is pleased continually to vary His mode of dealing with us, in order that we may not be tempted to trust in donors, or in circumstances, but in Him alone, and to keep our eye fixed upon Him.”

  9. “I desire many things concerning myself; but I desire nothing so much, as to have a heart filled with love to the Lord. I long for a warm personal attachment to Him”

  10. “God judges what we give by what we keep.”

  11. “If we desire our faith to be strengthened, we should not shrink from opportunities where our faith may be tried, and therefore, through trial, be strengthened.”

  12. “Every instance of obedience, from right motives, strengthens us spiritually, whilst every act of disobedience weakens us.”

  13. “I believe God has heard my prayers. He will make it manifest in His own good time that He has heard me. I have recorded my petitions that when God has answered them, His name will be glorified.”

  14. “When the day of recompense comes, our only regret will be that we have done so little for Him, not that we have done too much.”

  15. “When God overcomes our difficulties for us, we have the assurance that we are engaged in His work and not our own”

As we start this new year may we find the strength, encouragement and determination that we find in our brothers in Christ go before us as our guide on living a life fully devoted to our King, Jesus Christ!


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

"Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him (Jesus). But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them. Then Jesus told them this parable: 'Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Luke 15:1-7 (NIV)

The Pharisees had constructed a very sophisticated religious bubble to insulate themselves from those who lived in the outside world. They had very little contact with those people and considered them to be sinners and unclean. In one hand the Pharisees were afraid that having any contact with these kinds of people would contaminate them but on the other hand they were hypocrites and just as sinful as anyone else.

But Jesus, in contrast, being the only truly righteous person lived, ministered and befriended those who were part of the sinful outside world. He hung out with them, he ate with them, he laughed and cried with them. He was truly a friend to the sinners.

Jesus' actions and attitudes toward sinners was very disturbing to the Pharisees! So they began to mutter amongst themselves about it. The HCSB translations says they began to complain about it. Isn't that amazing? Here is a person doing good and then you have a group of people "complaining" about it. Why would they complain? The Bible doesn't say why but maybe it was because they felt that Jesus' actions challenged their acceptable way of doing religion. They had set up a whole system of being isolated from the outside world, giving the appearance that they had it all together with the intent of attracting others to their way of doing things. But the problem was that they were hypocrites and they didn't have it all together. Their lifestyle was a lie and therefore ineffective. But here comes Jesus and he does have it all together. He's perfect. There is no hypocrisy in Christ at all and he is not isolating himself from the sinners of the world. In fact he is enjoying their company far more than he enjoyed the company of the Pharisees. So from the Pharisees perspective everything they had built Jesus was now condemning and tearing down by his new approach.

Maybe they were complaining because they personally were not comfortable with people who lived and worked in the outside sinful world. Maybe they didn't know how to relate to them. Maybe their dress, smell, speech and lifestyle were so different from what the Pharisees had become accustom to that they felt totally out of place around them.

Or maybe, they were jealous of the success and attention that Jesus was getting from the outside world! The people were no longer, if they ever did, looking to the Pharisees for spiritual direction now that they had a man who walked and lived amongst them showing them the way. The message of grace that Christ brought verses the message of works that the Pharisees taught was so different that the teaching of Christ was like a breath of fresh air and attracted the masses like bee's to honey. And I am quite sure that the Pharisees became very jealous of his apparent success.

No one really knows the reasons for their complaining. We just know that they did and I think, for those of us who are intentionally trying to pursue the mission of Christ, we can learn a very important lesson. Not every person who claims to have a relationship with God will be excited or supportive of our mission endeavors. In many respects the church of North America has become filled with our own brand of Pharisees. Maybe not in theology but at least in attitude. We have built our own "spiritual bubbles" and spend our time meeting in building trying to outshine each other. We think that we have built a very attractive religious model that those on the outside looking in will want to have. But the reality is that no one is really looking and what they do see may not be very attractive at all. And when follower of Christ actually begins to go out where the people are who need salvation it just might upset others who are comfortable in their nice pretty church buildings.

The thought of pastors or church members going into bars, parties of "those" sinners or any function that the church classifies as worldly in order to build relationships with the unchurched will be appalling to many and even cause a lot of church goers to worry. Yes, the Bible does say that Christians are not to "of the world" but it also does say that Christians are to be "in the world" and the light of the world. Many times the ones you would expect to receive the most encouragement from, as you pursue the mission of Christ, are the ones who cause you the most grief. Sometimes the biggest anxiety we experience as we go after “the least of these” are from our church family! They criticize us and even condemn us for going to places where sinners go.

But don't lose heart and don’t worry! Remember that you are following Christ's example and obeying his commands in this search for his lost sheep. While the work may be hard, discouraging and even difficult it will also ultimately be worthwhile and fulfilling. SO PRESS ON MI AMIGO!

Does the thought of going after the kinds of people that Jesus went after create worry and anxiety in you life? Don’t worry about that, you are not alone in that feeling! We are all used to going after people who more like us than we are people who are different from us. However, we can’t allow the worry and anxiety keep us for pursuing those people! They are people whom God loves and died for us. The Great Commission is for us to go to “ALL” the world. Not just part of it.

If you are going to be obedient to Christ then worry is something that you will need to eliminate from your life! You will need a strategy. A Biblical strategy based on Biblical principles and practices!

LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY is book that will teach you those Biblical Principles and Practices and will lead you through a process to develop your own personal strategy for living a WORRY FREE LIFE!

LIVING ON MISSION IN SPITE OF MY WORRY was named as an AMAZON #2 BEST SELLER in the 2 categories of Missions/Missionary practices and Counseling/Recovery.

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What Does It Mean To Pray In Jesus' Name? And Why Is It A Powerful Prayer?

"Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it."  John 14:13-24 

How To Have God Guide You!


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." 

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NAS)

In this short but powerful verse we are given specific instructions on how to allow God to guide our lives!  The Bible tells us: What To Do; What Not To Do; and To Claim A Promise!  In other words there are three conditions (what to do and what not to do) that when fulfilled, God will keep His promise. 



In other words, we are to have faith in God.  Trust is just another way of saying Faith! Throughout scripture, expressing faith in God is always essential to seeing God work in and through our lives. The Bible even says that faith is essential in pleasing God.

"Without faith it is impossible to please God" Hebrews 11:6

You have to have faith in God!  You have to be trusting in God to work in you, through you and in the circumstances you find yourself in.  ARE YOU TRUSTING GOD?

But we're not only to trust Him!  We are to trust Him with all our hearts.  Not some of our heart, not part of our heart but ALL of our heart.  When it comes to trusting in God there should be absolutely no doubt or concern whatsoever.  Our full trust and confidence in Him is what God expects of us, if we are expecting him to keep His promise!



This verse is very clear that we are not to lean or stand ourselves up on our own abilities to reason things out.  Often, when God tells us what to do, it won't make a bit of sense.  

I don't think it made much sense to Moses when the Children of Israel needed water and God told him to hit the rock with his staff!  And then on a different occasion God tells him to speak to the rock to get water.  Are you serious?  Hit and speak to a rock! That doesn't make sense. 

I don't think it made a bit of sense to Jesus' disciples when Jesus told them to feed 5,000 men plus women and children with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes!  And if I was Peter it would have made no sense to me at all for Jesus to tell me to go out to a lake, grab a fish, open its mouth and there inside find money and then go pay the temple tax.  Really! Feeding a large group of people with just a little bit of fun and finding money in the mouth of a fish to pay my taxes, just doesn't make sense!

But for God it isn't a requirement for it to make sense to us on how these crazy things that He tell us to do work out!  We Don't Need To Understand!

The only requirement that God expects is obedience.  Obedience is Jesus' LOVE LANGUAGE.  

Jesus speaking, "If you love me keep my commandments." John 15:10



Throughout you entire life there is always one common denominator!  What is it?


It was God who fashioned you, formed you, saved you and maintains you.  Without God and Christ we would be helplessly and hopelessly drowning in our sea of sin!  God has loved us with an everlasting love. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God! NOTHING! 

So, why shouldn't we in all our ways acknowledge God?  Why shouldn't we make Him known to the whole world?  How can we help but speak of the great and mighty things that God has done in the past and in our own lives.  

When we are acknowledging God in all our ways, we are shining the Light of Christ brightly in our part of this dark world!  We are making this world a brighter place to live. 

THE ONE PROMISE: What God Will Do For Us!


After all, why wouldn't God direct us and lead us if we are putting our faith in him, making Him known to all the world and not leaning on our own understanding?  Of course He will!  

You fulfill those conditions and you can take this promise that God has made to you, to the bank and cash it in. 


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3 Important Truths About Trying To Hide Your Sin!

In the story of David and Bathsheba we learn three important facts about trying to hide your sin! You an read the story the whole story at 2 Samuel 11 - 12.


One of the first things that we learn from this story is that God knows what we have done and you can't hide them from Him.  David went to great links to hide his sins from people and thought he had them all covered up but what he forgot was that God is always aware of our actions.  Nothing catches him by surprise - nothing can be hid from him.  

We are often like David! We too try to cover up our sins so that others won't about them.  But the reality is is that God already know what we have done and is waiting for us to come to him and own up to them. 


God not only knew the sins that David committed but he also sent His prophet to call David out on his sin.  Through the telling of a fictitious story the prophet was able to show David that God already knew what he did and was calling him out on it.  

Like with David God will also call you out on your sin and make you take responsibility for them.  He will not let you slide by - he will not pretend you didn't sin!  God will expose your sin so that you have to deal with them.


When David realized that God knew about His sin he immediately repented and confessed his sins before God. David took responsibility for what he had done and as a result God did forgive him and said David wouldn't die.  But God also told him that the consequences for his sins would not be removed.  David would still have to suffer the consequences for his sinful deeds.

God also will forgive us of our sin but at the same time we also might have to suffer the consequences that have come from years of sinful living.  If you spend years in alcohol addictions God can forgive you but you still might still get liver damage. If you spend years of immoral living you, God can forgive you but you still might loose your family. 

Here's the lesson to learn from this post.  If you sin don't try to cover it up, instead, immediately own up to them, confess them, repent from them and get right with God.  Don't ever think you can pull the wool over the eyes of God. 

Being Successful As A Follower Of Christ

Recently I read this quote by Rick Warren the Pastor of Saddleback Church and I thought it had a lot to say to us who claim to be Christ's followers and what it means to be successful.  Here's what it says:

“Being successful and fulfilling your life's purpose are not at all the same thing; You can reach all your personal goals, become a raving success by the worlds standard and still miss your purpose in this life.” ― Rick Warren

As I read this I started asking myself some questions:

  • Is it possible to be successful but be successful at the wrong things?
  • Can I be successful and still not fulfill my God given purpose?
  • What are God's standards for success for His people?

As I pondered these questions 2 thoughts came to mind that I believe are so very important to remember:


How horrible it would be to stand before God on the Last Day (Judgement Day) and begin to share with Christ how I had accomplished so many great and different goals only to hear Jesus reply with, "But that's not what I had ask you to do or accomplish!"  Wouldn't it be terrible to have placed your ladder of success and ascended it - only to have realized once you got to the top that you had place it on the wrong wall!  I want to hear the words of my Lord say to me, "Well done good and faithful servant."

God's plan and ministry for us is to be His ambassador to this spiritually dark world by making God's appeal for people to be reconciled to Him as if it was God Himself  making the appeal through us. Therefore, we are to be His ambassadors that intentionally engages in the ministry of reconciliation.  That is accomplished through disciple making.  So, the question bids an answer: How successful are we at making disciples for Christ?


Success from God's perspective is very different from success in the world's perspective!  The world says you are successful if you accomplish great results but the Bible says we are successful when we are obedient to what He has commanded of us.

Over and over again we hear the Bible teach that obedience is better than sacrifice; or for us to be doers of the word and not hearers only, and to teach new believers to obey all that Christ commanded. Jesus even shared that being obedient to Him is an expression of our love for Him.  

We work and train to do our best at what Christ commanded but in the end success isn't defined by the results but by our willingness and faithfulness to do what He said.  The results are in God's hands but our obedience is in our hands.  

So, in the final analysis as Followers of Christ we need to intentionally pursue the role of being Christ Ambassadors, to sharing the Gospel to those still lost in spiritual darkness and to obeying all that Christ has commanded.  If we can do that then we are successful!

A Biblical Story On Joining Christ On His Mission

In Acts 8:26-40 we have an amazing story about an ordinary christian by the name of Philip who was used by God in an amazing way.  From it we learn some powerful principles for shining the Light of Christ brightly in our part of this dark world. Watch and see what you might learn.

Take a few moments and share your thought as a comment.

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How To Experience Freedom From Guilt

A survey in the UK found that 41% of the people said that they would enjoy everyday life more if they didn't feel guilty afterwards.  In other words, lots of people are actively engaged in activities that they feel guilty about after they are done and as a result the joy of life is stolen from them. 

A story is told of Noel Coward, the well known playwright, as a prank, once sent an identical anonymous letter to 10 notable men in London. The note said,

"We know what you have done. If you don't want to be exposed, leave town."  

Within six months, all 10 men that received the letter had moved!

Everyone Has Felt Guilt At One Time Or Another!

Why?  Because, other than Jesus, no one is perfect.  The Bible says that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. 

However, the Good News is that God wants to wipe your slate clean so you don't have to feel guilty anymore but instead experience God's total and complete forgiveness!  GOD WANTS TO:

  • Give you a second chance.
  • Help you start over again.

Listen to what Ephesians 1:7 says,

"In him we have redemption through the blood the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us wit hall wisdom and understanding."

And let's read Col 2:13-14,

" Where you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ.  He forgave us all our sins having canceled the written code, with its regulations that was against us and that stood opposed to us he took it alway, nailing it to the cross."

Here's what these two verse are says!  If you are in Christ God is not going to condemn you for your past mistakes because Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for your sins and was resurrected back to life again to pay for your pardon.  ISN'T THAT ABSOLUTELY AMAZING?

There is absolutely no reason why any of us should suffer with a guilty conscience any longer over you past sins if you have come to Jesus and received His forgiveness and freedom from guilt.


Your Sins Are Forgiven!

Punishment For Your Sins Has Been Made!

Christ Is No Longer Holding Your Sins Against You!


How Do You Experience Freedom From Guilt?

By Accepting What Jesus' Did For You Through His Death, Burial & Resurrection! By place your faith in the resurrected Lord Jesus!