DON'T CHOOSE DOOR #1: A Biblical Life Goal To Pursue: Part 1


When I was a child growing up one of our families favorite T.V. programs was the game show, LET’S MAKE A DEAL. I always enjoyed watching it because of the thrill of watch people possibly winning something really amazing. You know what I mean. Right? The thrill of the win or the agony of the loss. I would always imagine myself as the big winner.

But wouldn’t it have been nice if you had some special knowledge in advance of what was behind Door #1, or Door #2 or even Door #3? If you did have that knowledge do you think it would have influenced what choice you would have made?

Of course it would!

In this post we are starting a series that deals with options, consequences and admonitions about the kind of life goal you should establish that will guide your pursuit in life. Whether we know it or not we all have goals that guide how we live life and the kind of choices we make as we go through life. Our expectations is that these goals will help bring joy, fulfillment, excitement and happiness during our travels here in this world.

However, establishing bad goals can hinder the experience of that joy, excitement, fulfillment and happiness that we so desperately want in our lives. Making wise choices about our goal is going to be absolutely essential.

However, gratefully God, in the Bible, has told us what our options are when it comes to establishing a goal for life and even better news is that there aren’t 10 to 15 different choices! In actuality there are only 2 choices. One choice is good and the other choice is not good at all. So, in reality for those of us who are fully devoted followers of Christ there is only one life goal that is to be our choice.

Our series of posts will be taken from 1 Timothy 6:3-10 and today’s post is entitled:


Remember there are only two choices but this first choice is not the right choice. This first choice is the choice to avoid at all cost. It is the choice that will rob you instead of give you. It’s the one that will harm you instead of benefitting you. So, what’s that option? It’s the option that this world offers to you.

So, what exactly is in door #1? What is it that we should not make our life’s goal? To help us find out let us take a look at 1 Timothy 3: 3-5 and most specifically verse 5. It says:

“If anyone teaches false doctrine and does not agree with the sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and with with the teaching that promotes godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slander, evil suspicions, and constant disagreement among people whose minds are depraved and deprived of the truth., who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain.” (CSB)

What is the life goal to avoid?

The Pursuit Of Material Gain!

The pursuit of material gain as a life’s goal is one of the false teachings that was and still is part of the church and especially trying to use godly living as a means to getting rich. In verse 10 the Apostle Paul refers to people who make the amassing of material wealth their life goal as people who “Love Money”. Take a look at what it says,

“For the love of money is a root to all kinds of evil, and by craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10 (CSB)

The reason why the pursuit of worldly riches or the love of money is a life goal to avoid is simply because it’s a heart issue. It’s a matter of what you “LOVE” the most.

In Luke 16:13-15 Jesus is teaching the people that it is impossible to serve two masters. You will either love the one and hate the other or visa versa. And then Jesus coined a quote that we still use today. It is:

“You cannot serve both God and money” Jesus Christ

Jesus said you cannot serve both God and money! He didn’t say:

  • “You can’t serve fully both God and money.”

  • or “It’s hard to serve both God and money”.

  • No! Jesus flat out stated emphatically stated that it is:


Why? Because the issue at play is all about the heart or it is all about what you love. God refuses to compete or share with anyone or anything concerning the love that is due Him as God Almighty.

Let me hammer the point in by asking you a question: What is the greatest commandment? That was a question Jesus asked some of the religious leaders of his day. It’s a good question that we should ask ourselves from time to time and the answer is something we should remind ourselves daily. What is it? According to the Bible it is:

“To Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart, Mind, Soul And Strength”

The truth of the matter is that God wants our full and complete love! And God is unwilling to share it with anyone or anything. And one of the biggest competitors to robbing God of the love that is due Him is the love for money. Money is enticing and money is deceiving, People try to justify their love for money to make it sound acceptable or at least understandable.

But according to the Bible the love of money or the amassing of material gain is absolutely not the life goal for anyone who calls themselves a Follower of Christ.

Door #1 Is Not The Door To Choose!

How Patient Are You In Your Missional Life?

Jesus told His disciples that the world would know that they are His disciples by their love for others. Love for others is the proof of a sincere relationship with Christ.  Love is the Light of Christ that shines from us to others who still need to know Christ. 

The Apostle Paul in I Corn. 13 says that "Love is patient" - therefore I like to say that "Missional Living is Patient".  Watch this video and then evaluate yourself and ask how loving or patient are you with those who still need to know Christ.

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16 Proofs Your Missional Living Is Sincere!

One of the most effective tools for living a powerful missional life is the ability to sincerely love those who don't know Christ.  Listen to what Jesus says in John 13:35

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Did you see that? The proof of our life in Christ and the proof of us living a sincere missional life is our ability to love others.  How we love others will speak loudly to those who have not surrender their life over to Christ if our message is true or not.  


But what does love look like when it comes to missional living?  It's a nice thought but how do you put it into practice?  Let's take a look at 1 Cor. 13:4-8 and see how the Bible describes love and through it we will get a better idea of how we are to love those who don't know Christ yet!

1.  Missional Living Is Patient 

How patient are you with people?  Are you willing to allow time for the Holy Spirit to work in their life?  Or are you pushy and demand people to respond quickly and immediately!  When it comes to missional living we need to remember that we are working on God's time table and not our own.

2. Missional Living Is Kind

Kindness is a virtue that is an absolute essential when it comes to share Christ with people.  Being helpful and meeting peoples needs people know you are not just all talk.  Dale Carnegie has been quoted saying, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."  When it comes to missional living that is so very true! 

3. Missional Living Is Not Envious

Missional Living is never about what you can get from others but what you can give to them. When you are envious of people (their lifestyle, possessions etc..) it's nearly impossible to sincerely share Christ and His love for them.  Why? Because your eye is on what someone has and not on whom (Christ) you can share with them.

4. Missional Living Is Not Boastful

Missional Living is never about bragging yourself or making yourself look good! Mission Living is bragging on Christ and making him look desirous. 

5. Missional Living Is Never Proud

Missional Living is be willing to go to the homeless, the helpless, the beaten down and the forgotten. People filled with pride have no room in their heart to associate with the outcasts of this world. By the way those were the ones Jesus specifically targeted to go and share the Gospel to first. 

6. Missional Living Is Not Rude

Missional Living is sincerely being nice to those of the world.  There are to many people in the name of "sharing the Gospel" sound more rude and hateful. How is possible to sincerely share God's Good News and do it rudely?  You can't!

7. Missional Living Is Not Selfish

Missional Living is not about "YOU" but about "OTHERS".

8. Missional Living Is Not Angered

Missional Living can take the insults, the slandering, and the abuse and still feel love and compassion even for those who are hurting them. 

9. Missional Living Doesn't Hold Grudges

Missional Living doesn't keep any records of wrongs done to them.  There will be times when someone will hurt you over and over again but its you unconditional love for them that God uses to soften their hearts and come to faith in Christ.

10. Missional Living Doesn't Enjoy In Evil

Missional Living abhors when evil men and activities advance.

11.  Missional Living Rejoices In Truth

Missional Living is all about sharing the Truth. The truth of Christ which can set people free!

12.  Missional Living Protects

Missional Living is about helping and protecting people and their reputations and not about harming them.

13.  Missional Living Trusts

Missional Living is about trusting God to do His work as we are being faithful to our job of sharing the Gospel and making disciples.

14. Missional Living Hope

Missional Living always believes that at some point individuals that we are praying for and sharing with will come to faith in Christ.

15. Missional Living Perseveres 

Missional Living never quits - never gives up - never stops.  It's always advancing!

16. Missional Living Wins

Missional Living is about sharing with the people of this world how they can "WIN" IN CHRIST!


7 Important Principles For Developing The Fruit Of The Spirit

Have you ever wished you were more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kinder, faithful, gentle, self-controlled, or even filled with more goodness?  Of course you have ! We all have!  Those are the characteristics and depositions that we have marked as virtuous!  These are also the descriptions for what we as Christians have called The Fruit Of The Spirit!  

We all seems to want these virtues but we all seem to misunderstand how we attain them. They seems to be a hit and miss proposition. We seem to have some of them but rarely master all of them.  So, what are we missing? What has eluded us that keeps us from experiencing these calm and peaceful dispositions of life?

In this important post I am going to talk about 7 important principles for developing the Fruit of the Spirit which should greatly help us turn them into a reality for our own lives.  But before I get started listing the 7 principles let me point out these dispositions are a description of the "Fruit" not "Fruits".  We are not talking about a lot of different fruits that needs to nurture - just ONE fruit.  And it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  As the Holy Spirit becomes more and more implanted in our daily lives the fruit of the Spirit will become more and more evident.  First the blossoms and then the fruit.  So, in essence it is the Holy Spirit that needs to be nurtured in our lives if we are to attain those wonderful and lofty virtues. The stronger the Holy Spirit is implanted in our lives the more of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit will be evident in our lives!  

According John 15 it is God the Father's responsibility, as the gardner, to prune us back for the the purpose bearing even more fruit.  It is God who does the tending of the garden of our spiritual life so we can bear even more and more of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit or the Fruit of the Spirit.  The process that God the Father uses is the "pruning process".  This is a process where the gardener cuts back the branches so that they are able to bear even more fruit. The only way to become more fruitful and to have more of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit is for God the Father to prune us or cut us back.  

I don't know about you but that pruning process sure doesn't really seem to be a very pleasant experience.  It sounds more painful than pleasurable!  I know it will be a productive process (bearing more fruit) but not necessarily a fun process!  

Nothing to it! Right? Well let's  see!


7 Important Principles To Prepare Us For The Father's  Pruning Process

#1:  You Don't Have A Say In Whether You Get Pruned Or Not That's God's Decision.

I know we would all like to think we have a say in whether we participate in the pruning process or not but the truth is we don't.  In John 15 Jesus said that "every" branch that bears fruit the Father prunes so that it will bear even more fruit.  No branch is excluded! God the Father will prune back all the branches that are already bearing fruit for the purpose of making them bear even more fruit.  All of them - not just some of them!

Now don't think that if you decide to stop bearing fruit that God will leave you alone.  He won't! John 15 also says that the Father cuts off all the branches that doesn't bear fruit and throws them into the fire.  Here's the important thing to take away from this lesson!  All branches are either going to be cut back or cut off but be sure of this all the branches are going to get cut!  

#2: God May Even Use Satan To Prune You.

In looking at the example of Job we see that God can even use Satan as his pruning sheer!  Now isn't that an interesting concept!  Now understand Satan has as his objective to destroy your faith and your relationship with God but God's objective is to build your faith and make you even more fruitful.

Before Satan can do anything to you he first must get Gods permission.  Satan cannot do anything behind God's back or without God's knowing and permission and Satan can only work within the conditions and limits that God, himself, has established.  This should bring us tremendous amount of encouragement when we think of spiritual warfare.  Even in spiritual warfare Satan can't do anything he wants, he can only do what God allows and when God allows it!

#3: The Pruning Process Will Be Painful & Difficult

But be sure of this that pruning process isn't a walk in the part or a picnic in a beautiful meadow! This pruning process will be and is a painful process.  In looking at Job as our example the pruning process can include a loss of wealth; Property; health; and even life.  Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain are all involved in this process. 

#4: The Pruning Process Will Come & Go.

Just like Ecclesiastes says, "There is a season for everything under heaven." and be sure of this there are season(s) of pruning!  Yes, I did use the plural form which means there are more than one season of pruning that we will go through during our Christian growth.  Times of pruning come and times of pruning go.  But just remember the pruning process will come back around again.  

#5:  God Already Knows In Advance How You'll Respond To The Pruning Process.

In looking at Peter time of pruning found in Matthew 26:31-35 we learn that Jesus and God the Father already knows in advance what our response and outcome will be to the pruning process. Jesus told Peter straight up that before the rooster crows you will have denied me three times.  Jesus knew the end result before it ever happened!  

Here's what we can learn from this - there's never going to be a time when we do something during the pruning process that will catch God by surprise!  You will never do something and then God smacks himself on the forehead and says, "Now I didn't see that one coming!".  That will never happen.  God already knows what you are going to do during the pruning process and he has provided for it. 

#6:  Jesus Is Interceding For Us During The Pruning Process.

In Luke's account of Jesus telling Peter he will deny him three times Jesus also says that He has prayed for Peter that his faith would be strengthened and that he could encourage others. Jesus said that he had prayed that Peter's faith would not fail him!

Most assuredly you faith is going to tested, stretched and feel like it is going to fail but understand this:

Jesus Is Praying For God The Father To Strengthen & Empower You.

Jesus, who is now our High Priest, is always before the thrown of God our Father interceding on your behalf and asking for the Father's added measure of Grace and Mercy to be bestowed upon you.  NOW HOW COOL IS THAT!

#7:  The End Result Of The Pruning Is More Fruit Of The Spirit & A Greater Blessing From God.


  • He was a blessing to his friends because he prayed for them and God forgave them because of Job and his prayer.

  • God blessed Job by doubling what had been taken from him.


The blessing that Peter was to receive was a greater influence among the apostles as he would be an encouragement and strength to them. 

And this is not to mention all the virtuous characteristics, Fruit of the Spirit, that both Job and Peter developed as a result of their pruning process.  So, let us consider it all joy when we encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces endurance. And let us allow endurance to have its full effect so we will be complete and lacking in nothing.  Amen!

While the pruning process may not be an enjoyable season of life to go through the fruit and benefits that come as a result of it are amazing.  It's like anything, no pain - no gain! No pruning - no fruit.